Facial hair

i am a 25 years old male. I have hair in some parts of my face where it should be hair free and on my ear lobe (outside my ear).so, which is better to use shaving/trimming,tweezing, sugaring, cream, threading? will the hair grow thicker or darker or will hair grow on other new parts of my face?


I vote for shaving. Shaving has NO EFFECT on hair structure or amount. This is an inexpensive temporary method.

I vote for electrolysis if you want permanent hair removal.

Keep in mind that 25 year old males have a future filled with the surprise of NEW hair being stimulated as they get on in their life cycle. Male ear hairs, especially, only get worse with age. So, you will need to chase down and kill NEW hair that wasn’t a problem when you were having electrolysis in your younger years. It’s all worth it though to start now and keep the the project going as needed.


I agree. Shaving is your best bet that won’t affect the hair structure. If you want them gone permanently, electrolysis can take care of that.