Facial hair removal for men..need help!


I am a 19 year old oriental male.
Unlike most of my fellow orientals
I get a LOT of facial hair (i.e. shave every day, and can grow a full beard from cheek to neck in 8 days or so).

Problem is though, very fine/thin hairs are growing on the skin surface between my eye and the side of my head (a few cm above and around my cheekbone).

It’s thin enough so that people about 1 feet away can’t really notice it, but you definitely notice it if you’re up close.

I’ve considered shaving it off, but i’m afraid of the hairs becoming thicker after shaving. I’ve considered plucking them, but ther’s far too many…like in the low 100’s.

Any solution on removing this sort of facial hair would be much appreciated.


Shaving alone will not make them grow back thicker. It is a common myth debunked here often.

You sound like a good candidate for electrolysis. With hair near the eyes and the fact they are fine would probably preclude laser. A skilled electrologist could probably clear those in less than an hour per session. If you want to go that route, do not pluck them! I learned the hard way about plucking.

I also have hair on my upper cheekbones near my eye, and I have always feared slipping with a razor and injuring an eye :crazy:

Hi pahlee.

The best course of action would be electrolysis, hands down, if you live near a skilled electrologist and you want the hair to be gone permanently. Hair in the low 100’s is not a lot of hair, in regard to electrolysis. It is a cinch to do actually.

Shaving would be the best temporary method available to you if you choose a small electric or battery powered shaver.
