Facial hair electrolysis

So I’ve been toying with the idea of getting electrolysis done on my beard for quite sometime now. My Facial hair is EXTREMELY thick pretty similar to this pic right here:


now I like having facial hair and would like to be able to grow out a thick grizzly beard but when I do now it just looks gruesome. I know there are a ton of factors that go into each electrolysis case and that it is very difficult to give estimates on these things but I was hoping someone could give me a rough estimate based on the picture of how long it would take to see a reduction of about 25% to 30%

Thanks in advance

I think this picture might be a bit more close to my beard with the hair approaching the eyes http://i25.tinypic.com/2yxmdzp.jpg

How long it’ll take? I’ll bet a solid year to see the results you want. Now in terms of price, thats a different story. Some charge less, some charge more most of the electrologists do equivalent work.

my electrolysis has estimated it would take 1.5 2 years for me to get rid of what is a few female hairs not a full on man beard, she old me the TS she deals with takes 2.5 years some 3 to be fully clear for good. Being a full on man beard I would ear on the side of caution and say it will be 2 years to see it gone but less if you just want reduction. I am only a customer though but I do feel 1 year is extremely optimistic.

How long depends entirely on how much it’s treated in that time.

Average is a year to a year and a half. I started ( or rather restarted, I had done 12 or so hours by students in the spring of last year on the chin most of which regrew because they undertreated) my face in october. Yesterday I did a clearing after not touching it for more than 2 weeks, the hairs were extremely sparse and it took me no more than an hour. In short, I’m 99% done and only going over a few stragglers now.
HOWEVER my results are not typical. I did massive amounts of work over a short period of time very consistently. That I managed to clear my face for the most part, in 6 months, as an amatuer, is extremely atypical but it demonstrates nicely what can happen if you dedicate enough time to the endeavour. Dont dedicate the time, you wont see good results, its as simple as that.

Compare that to under my jaw line, where for the most part I cant work, and the difference is staggering. I still have many large terminal hairs because my partner who I count to work on there cant find enough time to do the job.So how long it takes, depends 100% on how many hours you put in in that time frame.

Compare this to one of my transgirls who gets treatment by me. I’ll call her Sara. Sara came to me in early december and did 2 sessions about 4-5 hours each. Then stopped over christmas and didnt come bak until a few weeks ago. We’ve done 3 sessions of about 5 hours each since.So a total of about 24 or so hours all spend on upper lip and chin., which are 75% done.Even after 3 months break, she had very little regrowth. If she stays consistent with her appointments , which she seems dedicated to do, in 8 months she will be clear, but this has loads to do with how much work she gets done in that time.

Edit: IlikeDIY, I disagree with your statement Most electrologists DO NOT do equivelent work it’s something we see consistently here.How dedicated each one is to killing the hair and eliminating regrowth occurrence makes a huge difference. The only reason I saw a 6 month removal for the most part, Is I treat each follicle sufficiently to eliminate the possibility of regrowth.Dont do that , and it will take much much longer.



In short, the amount of hair you have growing on your face is the amount of hair you have growing on your face. Sometimes it will be dormant - sometimes it will be growing like wildfire!

Over an 18 month period, hopefully ALL of these hairs will be present at some time or another! Not all of them, all at the same time, so you will never be able to treat them in a shorter TIME SPAN. But you may be able to spend less time treating them.

Spending “less” time treating them is the basis of the approach of clear and wait. You haven’t touched the hairs. Your electrologist can kill the hairs in anagen, catagen OR telogen. So they come along and clear all the hairs, in a few hours to a few days of marathon sessions. After a span of months, they repeat (it’ll take less hours this time! yay!) and eventually, repeat again.

It takes less time(ish) because you are dedicating large periods of time with your full, untouched, hair growth.

Now for a reduction - I would say any skilled electrologist could so that, in a matter of two or three sessions, spaced a few months apart. They wouldn’t go for every hair, but every 3 or 5 hairs. They would have to do it a few times, to get an even spread - so that you don’t look hairier during some parts of the year than others! But it would be easy for a good electrologist, and it would look great :slight_smile: