Face-shaving - women

Hi there,

I am a woman who uses a mixture of shaving and tweezing to remove the hair on my chin, neck and upper lip. I’ve tried bleaching, waxing and cream and find this to be the most convenient method by far.
I’ve read advice to women, however, saying that we shouldn’t shave the skin on our face.
I want to know if this is a myth or if there are real reasons to stop doing it.

Shaving won’t make the hair come in thicker or make it worse, it is a myth. It may feel like it is coming in thicker since you are not tearing out the hair you will have a higher number of hairs (below the skin) on your face. However, shaving will not actually cause more hair to grow than you had to start. If shaving works for you there is no reason not to shave.

If you are considering having that hair permanently removed, then shaving is actually your best option.

Shaving is the best you can do because it doesn’t affect the structure of the hair. Removing hair with the root can make the hair worse (plucking, waxing, threading etc included).

Doesn’t this question relate to whether there is a reason for not using a razor on a woman’s facial skin? Is there any damage or affect on ones skin from shaving? Certainly there is the risk of minor cuts to the skin; for me (a guy), shaving is an irritation to my skin; would this reduce the “softness” of a lady’s face? Any long-term damage?

Shaving, when done properly with good new razors, doesn’t cause damage to the skin.

There is no long term damage, unless the lady gets obsessive and starts overshaving so that she is scraping the skin raw and yet continuing to shave the already irritated and perhaps crusty skin. In most cases, when a permanent solution is persued, the skin resolves to a beautiful complexion again.

Your statement about shaving is grossly incorrect. We don’t take kindly to spamming here. Our hairtell users are too well-informed to believe this. You’d be better off promoting spring bars on another site that does not intervene on behalf of the neophyte hair removal consumer.