Hi all.
I am a guy looking to thin out my eyebrows as I have thick and strays that grow so close down to my eyelids.
The thing that is putting me off to start having the treatment is the pics of people here in this forums and over the net where they suffered permenant scars (pittings) specially in this area.
Is this usuall with electrlysis ? what are the causes and how to prevent the scars ?
What should I look in the electrolysis that I know she or he won’t scar my face for ever !
What is the best modality in this area ?
If I went 3 or 4 times to have treatment will I notice any difference ?
I don’t mind the hair to return as long as they are thinner and lighter. I have thick dark eyebrows. I just plucked few time no more than 5 I think.
Thanks in advance. Hope you all would help me decide.