Extreme anxiety and ocd..help!

I have extreme OCD and GAD. I have recently had 3 electrolysis sessions that were an hour long. Unfortunately my anxiety slapped me in the face at my last appointment.

I suddenly felt the need to ask AGAIN if the probes were reused, of course she said no. She showed me the container of used contaminated probes. I then went on to say that I have a huge fear/ocd about HIV. She agreed with me, and said that she can’t really ask her patients but there isn’t really a way of her getting it. Then, she asked me if I had heard on the news about people putting needles on the back of gas pumps because maybe they were mad they had it. I had not heard this, and this put me in a downwards OCD spiral.

I kept asking “that’s not what you’re doing, right!?” She of course said no. I probably made her think I was a nut case.

I have since stopped going. I am back on my OCD/GAD meds and have been a mess for the past 2 weeks. I’ve convinced myself that she was trying to spread HIV. I’ve gone through so many scenarios in my head. From her not changing probes, to her purposely pricking herself before she inserts the probe in my hair follicle. I have replayed everything we talked about in all 3 sessions, and turned everything she has said into it being HIV related.

I have made myself physically ill worrying and thinking about this non stop.

Can anyone please give me some guidance or reassurance?

I’m not being unkind, but serious. I’m a BIG supporter of people with mental illness. My favorite nephew (like my son) has more than “issues,” but real mental illness. I’m also a member of NAMI, often attend meetings for “family & friends,” and you might want to check out a local chapter. NAMI is wonderful!

Mental illness is “all of us,” is everywhere and we all must accept these people as our children. The “stigma” of mental illness is the last frontier of our evolving society.

However, discussing this with your therapist is now appropriate. You seem to be “inventing” stories that are, at this point, delusional. Get going and consult with your physician/therapist immediately … I mean right now!

There is not a single thing any of us can say that is going to help you, because the problem is your own thinking itself. Get going before the delusion gets bigger and bigger. I have seen these things grow to become an uncontrolled situation. Talk openly with your therapist. If you don’t have a therapist, and are only seeing a non-specializing physician, have him or her recommend somebody for you.

You don’t need to suffer. Get the help you need, NOW! My whole heart goes out to you. I know your suffering is real … things will get better!

Oh, by the way, there is NOTHING wrong with being a “nut case.” Just for fun, check out the LONG list of people with mental illness that have “changed the world in a good way.” Issac Newton, Beethoven, Einstein … the list is very long.

I always say: “why be normal?” “Normal is, well, boring!”

My own nephew is beyond brilliant, speaks 4 languages and has a degree in physicis. He also has mental illness that “screws him up” now and then. He only needs to “stay on top of it” so it doesn’t get the better of him.

You need to think about this latest “scenario” in this way.

Thank you Michael. I will discuss this with my therapist. I always am looking for reassurance. Which I know is the OCD. I haven’t been able to find anything on HIV and electrolysis. Other than it is LOW risk and there is no data of transmission recorded. But, then I go on to read articles saying needle sticks have a chance of transmitting HIV. Which leads me to think the same with electrolysis.

I know deep down these thoughts are irrational. But, whenever I read there is a CHANCE it could happen, I freak out.

I’m so upset with myself. I wanted to get my facial hair problem under control so incredibly bad and now this is interfering with any progress I had made.

Don’t worry about being “irrational.” The majority of people on this planet hold very irrational beliefs. The point is if these beliefs are making you unhappy or unable to function.

This seems to be the situation in your case … so, get going and see your therapist ASAP! Good luck … we “Hairtellers” love you.

Thank you for your support!

Going back to my OCD habits, in your opinion and experience. Being pricked after someone with HIV was pricked with an electrolysis probe would lead to very little chance of infection?

Sorry =/

Well, the case you propose would never happen … I mean, ZERO chance of this. No electrologist re-uses needles. You would have better odds of meeting a “little green man from Mars.”

If you are really nervous, go get an HIV test.

And, don’t get electrolysis at this point. Your own mental state is WAY more important than facial hairs: shaving is just fine at this point.

(Also, after your HIV test, please phone your electrologist because I’m certain that she is suffering too. None of us are happy with this sort of thing. I would wager that she has had a few sleepless nights already. I might have one myself, worrying about you! Please give her a call to let her know that you are doing better.)

Kch15 you need to try and not be upset with yourself for it “interfering” with your electrolysis progress. Your health and well being are far more important right now than your hair removal. It takes a really strong person to live with OCD and GAD. You ought to be empowered by the fact you’ve recognised a problem, and you’ve already taken steps to overcoming this. Good for you. You have my best wishes, stay strong.

Youre really great support Michael!

I have allso OCD (oh, Josefa could tell you…), so I know it can be really hard kch15.

Try to find a therapist and allso a psychiatrist, they can help you out :wink:

Wish you the best!

Thank you for all the support.