Experiences with Body Hair Growth-Pre and Post-op


I thought I would start a new topic.
I was wondering what some of your experiences were with body hair both before and after SRS.

I found that prior to SRS, even though on spironolactone, I still had a fair amount of body hair.

The reduction in thickness and visibility of the body hairs
was not really evident. I went so far as to have some of it lasered.

It has now been 3 months since I underwent surgery (SRS)
and the body hair seems to be getting much finer. The difference is quite evident.

Does anybody have any personal experiences they would like to share regarding this subject?


Yes. I had an orchiectomy back in May (I had not previously been on any anti-androgens) and since then my body hair growth has declined. The hair I do have is now finer, sparser, and softer but so far hasn’t dissappeared completely. Body hair continues to be a problem, though I’ve been told that over many years I can expect further reduction. I was considering laser but got too scared by all of the horror stories out there.


Congratulations on the orchi. Some readers are probably looking that up right now, and the men are cringing.
Some people get an orchi because they don’t like the effects of the anti-androgens on the body long term. It also lets them get away with smaller doses of estrogen which is safer. Anti androgens are not going to be as effective as eliminating the main testosterone source as in an orchi or SRS.

I don’t think the body hair goes away, but it does become finer and less apparent. It will probably get better
still after a year or two.

I had laser on my arms and after a while a lot of hair still came back. It probably helped to thin it out a bit though. My main concern was my hands, and I did not need hairy knuckles, since I am conscious enough about my hands as they are.
