"expected regrowth" from electrologist

Have been seeing new electrologist for five treatments to date, on male genital area. She says coarse hairs take multiple treatments, which doesn’t line up with what I’ve learned here plus other learning (mostly Mike Bono’s YouTube videos).

She tells me coarse hairs take multiple treatments, additionally she doesn’t use magnification when treating, which makes me wonder if I should look for someone else.

Based on her telling me coarse hairs take multiple treatments, plus her lack of using magnification, would you recommend me moving on to someone else?

While it is possible that some coarse hairs may regrow, more concerning is the lack of magnification. If your electrologist is not using magnification, treatments will not be as accurate. My advice? Find another electrologist.


Coarse hairs can certainly take multiple treatments to kill especially on delicate and sensitive area such as the face or genital area. You can’t throw a sledge hammer on those areas. Also, Michael Bono worked with physicians who administered local anesthetics which allowed him to work with high currents, which is contributing factor for low-regrowth rates. I would be more concerned that an electrologist doesn’t use any visual aid. Even with 20/20 vision, it is not possible to do quality insertions without any vision aid.

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Thank you both for the input. I’m not too far from @Hairadicator which may be my best option.

Good feed back from the other replies. In my opinion…practicing electrolysis for over 35+ years with all body areas and the personal area, there can be at least two more layers below the hair surface that need to be treated. Another words, to know you are mostly hair free or much hair reduction to an area, we need to expect to go at least 9 months or more to see the permanency. Depends how much you hit those hairs and your frequency of sessions. It’s all in the timing of the 3 hair stages of growth and what’s on the skins surface. Waxing, plucking, tweezing or threading, not limited to this can not be in the scenario of 9 months+. Because some pulled hairs can take 3 months to come to the surface, if you pluck them just right. So trimming or shaving if need be is best during treatments. Someone mentioned here, if you like tweezing hairs, then you plan on keeping them.
I did years of research with my work of how long it takes to kill off the hair, how many treatment with laser and or electrolysis and how much it will cost. It includes all types of skin, hair color, and face & body areas from teenage to senior age. All folks, not just transgender. You can find all of this information in my latest book: “Transgender Profiles Time For A Change” by Linda D.
Email: drlaser@comcast.net

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