
Does anybody know of a good exfoliant I can use? I have a loofah…

I’m looking to help clear up my skin after shaving. Since I started shaving on the body 3 or 4 months ago, my skin in those areas hasn’t looked very healthy. The ingrowns are not as big of a problem as the contstant irritation. Any suggestions?

Does anybody know of a good exfoliant I can use? I have a loofah…

I’m looking to help clear up my skin after shaving. Since I started shaving on the body 3 or 4 months ago, my skin in those areas hasn’t looked very healthy. The ingrowns are not as big of a problem as the contstant irritation. Any suggestions?

This may have to be a trial and error process. Shaving actually exfoliates if you use a blade. Have you tried Tend Skin yet?

What razor/shaver do you use? And what shave gel do you use? These can have a big influence on how much irritation you get.

One product to consider:


Check out the Hydroglide Shave Solution. It works great for me.


Thanks RJC.

I do use a double-bladed razor Gillette razor with Envi for men shave gel. This combination works great on my face, and my beard is much thicker than any areas on my body.

The chest normally is only irritated as I’m shaving and it goes away within an hour (for some reason its the only part I enjoy shaving, but it would look odd to only shave the chest). Abs are rarely ever a problem. But shoulders and upper arms usually look pretty bad even days after shaving. I’d hate to shave more often because it takes so much time, as well as lots of shaving gel.

It has been looking somewhat better as of late though. What are your thoughts on me switching to one of the soaps you mentioned in an earlier post. I have a friend who used to work for a company called Advocare - they sold a facial cream that was something like an exfoliant and he said a lot of their clients used it to shave with. Body soaps could possibly have the same effect. And that might be better than annoying gels or shaving cream.

One last thing before I forget.

An electrologist on here mentioned privately to me that it could be the angles required to shave these troublesome areas. Which makes perfect sense since the more flatter areas (e.g. chest and abs) are not giving me hell. And it is confined to the upper parts of the arms which have a very unique shape, foreign to the traditional path of a razor.

I did check the website, and the products there seemed interesting though at the moment I don’t have as much spare cash as I’d like. I am about to be out of the country for about four months so I sort of need to save up. But then whenever I return, I plan on beginning electrolysis at some point so my concerns should be vindicated (eternally) then.

In the meantime, I HATE shaving…almost as much as I hate the fact that I HAVE to shave.