Hello all, I am new to this site but I must say how much I LOVE it! thank you andrea, wonderful idea to put this up!
Before I kenw about this place, I thought I was the only one but now I know that I’m am not alone
I am a typical Persian, therefore I have pale skin and am covered in black hair from head to toe.
The worst parts of my bodies, in my opinion, are my lower back and bum. This is because I have to wear specially designed underwear from Marks&Spencers (What I do to cover myself up, Summer and Winter) is to wear the full-briefs and then on top of that wear a vest and pull it all the way down, so that nowhere shows if I bend over. The worst part of it is in summer, and I am always wearing the vest which gets on my nerves. I cant wear the clothes that I want because always in the shopping centres I have to perform my little “mirror test”: I will only buy it if my back and stomach dont show ! …
I went for 6 softlight treatments nearly 4 years ago and there was definitely no result, I didnt get my money back because at the time I didnt know what to do and I went back and complained but the people in the salon were snappy and rude and they said that it was not their fault so I left it at that. How was I to know that SoftLight is rubbish?!
Moving on, after doing a lot of research on the net, I decided that I want to go and have IPL done on my lower back and bum. The reason I am definitely going to have these regions done are because the hair there are coarse abnd black and my skin is pale so the clearance should be good.
However I dont know what do about my stomach. I have a line of hair going all the way down, and the hair on my stomach is black but fine, (apart from near my belly button, where the hair is thicker - like pubic hair.) so Im not sure if the stomach will achieve good results using an IPL and I am also scared because I have to shave the area first, and im not too keen about doing that because although the hair is black , it is FINE and if I shave it and have a treatmentdone, and it doesnt come out okay then I am going to be left with stubble on my stomach , which is not what I need. I know that sometimes men have had amazing results with their stomach, but that is possible because their hair is coarse on their stomach, whereas in my case it is finer. (ITS like the hair on my arms)
I feel terrible because I even have hair in my cleavage! It looks like long cat hairs. MY moustache and beard is okay beacuse I can easily thread it off
The rest of my body isnt really bothering me: I have a moustache and beard but I get rid of that by threading. My arms are hairy but I dont care and my legs are the least of my concern becausehairy legs are a common thing.
So anyway in the meanwhile I dont know what do.
Are there any persians who can relate to my situation or anyone else? What did you guys do about your stomach? Did you wax if off? IF you did, did it come out horrribly and stubbly & made you wish you left the area alone?
PLEASE HELP !! I need ideas and opinions.
[ November 07, 2003, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: LadyPersia ]