Erayser - has anyone used it?

I’ve starteed a course of treatment at the face and body clinic on Harley st, london:

I just wanted to know if anyone has used it and has it worked for them?

How new is this process? What does the area look like after one year of no treatment with the Erayser? That is the best way to answer, “Does it work?” questions. How expensive are the treatments in dollars? What exactly are the herbs and other ingredients that are rubbed on the skin three times before the light is used? One needs treatment every three weeks. Is this for a year?

Firstly thanks for replying,

Secondly, just want to give a little background about myself: I have fair-medium indian skin tone and have had a battle with unwanted hair since my teens. I’m in my early 20s now and although my doctor hasn’t diognosed me with hirsutism, i most probably have polycystic ovaries (PCOS)but i haven’t been tested. About 3 years ago i had laser treatment on my upper lip wich caused pigmentation in the area, i’ve also had laser on my side of face which initially worked but i now have a few corse hairs dotted all over my neck area, perhaps a side effect of the laser or my possible PCOS.

So this Erayser treatment seems like my best option, and in answer to ur questions, i dont know how new this process is, the treatment is roughly $130 per treatment for full face and neck and after my first 8 i can have unlimted treatments for a year if i pay $887 on top. so it would work out to $1800 in total. I can bleach the hairs inbetween but i have to remove the hair(by shaving or hair removal cream) before evry treatment which scares the hell out of me, but i have been assured that it would not stimulate more or new growth… im just so tired of worrying about hair, i just want something done about it.

Do you think this could be a waste of time? at least with laser the results are almost instant, but this could take months if not years and becuase I don’t have much to go on, i could be making a huge mistake going ahead with this. I’ve had one treatment and next will be in 3 weeks - should i stop and go back to laser?

My common sense tells me this is a supreme waste of time and money. Unless your sister or close friend had this same thing done to them at least two years ago and they are hair-free one year after doing anything to remove the hair, then I would not trust this.

If laser worked for you, them go back to that plan. I am not a proponenet of laser hair reduction for a woman’s face, but you said you were pleased, except for the hyperpigmentation. Hyperpig will fade within a year, at least. If you are hair-free and can put up with the hyperpig, well that’s okay, I guess.

WHY are you not interested in the real deal - electrolysis? It’s permanent hair removal within 9-18 months? THere are some very good practitioners in London. You say you don’t want this to take months to years. Laser takes 12-18 months to complete. A first electrolysis clearance could take hours and then you look great until the next group of new hairs arise to get them cleared. Electrolysis takes 9-18 months, too. You are spending a lot of money for hype and uncertainty and the years will keep going by with little to show for your efforts.

Electrolysis, PROPER electrolysis care is what you should be seeking with determined resolve. You need to partner with a PROFESSIONAL electrologist because some women can grow NEW hair all through their life span and you will need to call that electrologist over the years for nit picky clean up’s. The good news is, once a follicle is treated and is permanently affected, then that is one less follicle that you have to worry about because it becomes a dearly departed hair follicle, as in DEAD, OUT OF COMMISSION. Pretty soon, you just run out of hair follicles that grow bothersome hairs.

Too many women put all their hopes into these fancy spa therapies and laser hair reduction for their faces when all the while the best option has always been right under their noses - electrolysis. Get smarter about this. For what you have already paid and for what you are about to pay more for, a skilled electrologist with modern equippment could have had you finished by now. I feel very sad for you.



How coarse is your facial hair? If it’s not coarse, laser won’t work. Pigmentation is a result of inappropriate settings set, so that’s not something that you’d always get with laser treatments. You just need GOOD laser treatments. However, if your hair is not coarse and dense on this area, you should be getting electrolysis, not laser or this potential gimmick.

Have you seen an endocrinologist? If you think you have PCOS, you really should. There is medication that can control future hair growth. However, do consider that Indian skin types often just have more hair as you probably know. So it may be genetic. A good endocrinologist should be able to determine this.

I wouldn’t do anything BUT electrolysis on hair that’s not coarse like bikini hair, ESPECIALLY on an Indian woman’s face. Darker skin types are more prone to induced hair growth after laser, which sounds like your situation.

I would say don’t look for cheap easy alternatives to laser and electrolysis. There really aren’t any that actually work. Otherwise, this forum would be filled with success stories using those other methods.

Btw, there are reviews of this specific clinic on this forum. Run an Advanced Search for LONDON and read reviews on several clinics in the area.

Do you know what i’m almost close to tears becuase for the first time I’m actually getting REAL advice, i’ve felt so alone having to deal with this problem for so long, my doctors have always fobbed me off - saying thers nothing they can do, and all this time I thought laser was the only and best option. I just assumed electrolysis was old fashioned and out of date and wouldn’t be as effective as laser…

dee - do u know anyone on this forum from london, UK who could reccommend a good electrologist? I wouldn’t know where to start looking for a good one.

lagirl - I’ve not heard of a endocrinologist before, I’m not sure if i would have to referred to one by my doctor, do you know of any in london?

Thank you so much for your advice guys u have no idea what this means to me.

We have a few people from the London area here who have discussed their treatments and hair removers. If you do a search for “London” You should get quite a few threads to read, and some names of practitioners to check out, and maybe even one or two you want to avoid.

I would read Julia Ross’ The Diet Cure, if you have not already, and stay away from as many artificial so-called food-stuffs as possible.

If you are not already, you should be making sure that you drink enough water to be properly hydrated, and eating food that can allow you to balance your hormones and body processes.

We hope for the best for you.

Take a peek at this thread:

London treatment thread