Epilator technique Telangiectasia

Hi all!

I have the T-103 unit from TES which is a basic thermolysis unit to start treating Telangiectasia.

I’m looking for guidance on proper settings. This device has manual dials for intensity and duration.

I have the TEL F3 Ballet probes made specifically for Telangiectasia.

Of course, this is for facial treatment only.

I am having a hard time finding guiding literature. In the US, this method for removing facial
Telangiectasia is uncommon and I’m having trouble finding information pertaining to intensity and settings.

Appreciate any advice. Thank you.

You can scar with this and you can scar easily. I’ve taught myself and I also read a book by Michael bono. It’s part of the reason for my preference of gentronics machines… the current is very mild. The key take aways that I can give you is start out with a very weak HF and galvanic and work your way up to an efficient modality. Also, treat an area and then wait 3 months for the skin to heal. I do it in batches left side of face, right side, nose and chest.

Gentronics settings that have work for me is

If you have any questions on insertions or how to fully destroy the thread vein, let me know.

Thank you for being so helpful. I plan on using just thermolysis since galvanic is unnecessary for treating telangiectasia.

My unit is the same as the one pictured and is only thermolysis.

How do you learn what intensity and duration to use when there is hardly any literature out there. I’m aware that longer duration should accompany lower intensity and vice versa. For telangiectasia, I’m thinking the longer duration while touching multiple points along the vein is fine as opposed to treating a specific hair follicle where the probe is inserted and engaged after. Again this depends on the intensity.

Any guidance on what intensity to start at with this machine?


No clue man. I wish I did. I know that on my machine the HF at 2.5 and above will kill a follicle. I’ve found that a setting of 1.2 will cauterize a thread vein. I just took it slow and moved up until I found something that worked for me and my skin. I see red marks for 1-2 days after and then if successful the vein will disappear.

The point of the galvanic is to provide an easier entry and exit for the probe.

I believe the TES machines are rebranded uniprobe electrolysis machines. Someone who owns one and is familiar with this process could chime in. Ahhh who am I kidding, the chances of that are slim. :wink:

especially slim since the man who wrote the book on it…is Dead. This type of use of an electrolysis machine has never seen widespread acceptance and use. You could also be violating local health regulations depending on where you are. Very difficult to learn when no one does this anymore.I honestly dont think you are going to find anyone extremely knowledgeable abou tthis technique. That knowledge…died with Michael.

Yes, the TES machine is thermolysis only which serves its purpose for treating red thread veins.

So you use the 8 second duration and proceed along the the vein?

No. The power settings is sufficient enough that you insert, apply HF, and withdraw. The whole process is about a second.

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