I realy love this site it’s been very useful to me.
I have been always very stressed about body hair since i was about 15 years,which btw i have a lot and which i hate, mainly the hair on my back and on the upper arms.It was realy bad when my girlfriend found out…but that’s a another story.
But enough of me, i was searching throug the internet and i have found something new, that appears to me similar to the Sirna Gene therapy it’s call Epilar, i have researched litle more and found only a litle info in english, since i can’t read stuf that it’s written in Denmark and that’s a shame.
What do you guys think?
Maybe it’s a scam, but i doubt that because if that was the case it wouldn’t only be available to physicians…
I personaly think that maybe the Sirna therapy will be something like this but more efective or maybe has efective as this.
I honestly think that 10 years from now something new will
rise and it will be quick,efective, safe and available worldwide(I hope so!)
Cheers to everybody!!
Ps:Sorry about the english i don’t write very well <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />