Emla on top lip

Hi there
My daughter age 12 is under going electrolysis on her top lip. She’s had three sessions so far without any pain relief but ice to numb. However as the work nears the middle of her lip it’s getting a bit harder for her. She’s very tough and determined to keep going though.

I’ve just bought some Emla cream and thought we could apply this before our 1.5 hour journey to the Electrologist. I’ve read the instructions and can see the amount to apply and timeframe to keep it on. I’m assuming others have used it on their top lip.

Anyone had any problems with this? I just want to make that area a bit easier for her. I know myself how stingy it is!

Many thanks

EMLA is good as long as it is applied like cake frosting and occluded. It needs to be on the skin for an hour or two for some areas, maybe a little less for your daughters upper lip??? It is definitely worth a try.

I usually pinch and pull down the skin of the upper lip when I work in the middle. I use high intensity and low timing and that usually brings about relief, even in the absence of a topical anesthetic. Also, the area can naturally numb itself with the endorphins after several insertions are made. It is kind of cool how Mother Nature’s naturally occurring pain killers work.

Good luck to your daughter and kudos for her determination!