
Hello…I have been undergoing electrolysis for almost a year now. I am a little bit dissapointed with the results. Sometimes I think its making a difference and then I get a wave of growth where it seems worse. At this point my upperlip seems to be a little better but my chin seems worse. Is this normal to feel like its worse before it gets better? I have fine blond hair is this length of time seem reasonable?My electrologist has 15 years of expierience and I ve been going at least once a week for a half hour with a few exceptions.

How about a little information here?
Male of female?
Did you take before pictures?
Have you taken progress pictures?
Do you clear the entire area each and every time you have treatment?
Have your appointments gradually become shorter and shorter (unless you keep adding new areas to work on as you finish the main area sooner)

The one thing I can tell you for sure based on what you have stated is that your hair cycles would have only just gotten close to having shown every hair one time over the period you have been working on clearing this area. Although the quickest one could possibly get done would be 9 months, most people require 18 to 24 months to finish based on many variable factors.

Yes, during that time you will likely go from totally cleared, to the next phase of untreated hairs coming in, and presenting themselves for possible treatment, if you get them worked on before they start to go into shedding phase. Since one doesn’t notice a difference in hair growth until at least 50% of the hair is removed, it is easy to understand why you might think that “it all came back”, but you should know that you have experienced a reduction. Progress pictures would show this if one kept at taking them over the treatment process.

thanks for the response! I am a woman 30 years old. No I didnt take pictures. I started out going for 15 min. and very quickly moved up to 45 to 30 minutes. I actually feel the most comfortable going on mon for 30 and fri for 15 just because I am trying not to do any clipping or shaving in between. I dont think there is a time that every hair was actually cleared I tried to go for an hour one time and she only went 45 because she was concerned about overworking my skin. I know realalisticaly that every hair will not be gone and I am fine with a small amount.I am only getting upper lip and chin done. The upper lip I think is getting better. I was actually amazed at the amount of hair that was there when I first had to let it grow out and stopped with my usual method. At least its blond. I had reluctanly started shaving because I tried laser treatments from American laser centers who claimed that thier new technology would even get the blond hairs when it didnt even work on my dark armpit or bikini hairs. I thought doing 30 and then 15 mins per week would get me better results as it would be more aggressive. but its my chin that worries me because the hair seem like they are starting to be more course. I actually never even did any hair removal to my chin before electrolysis when i was getting laser I started to notice fine blond hairs popping up. I thought maybe getting lasered stimulated more growth or maybe it was just my almost 30 year old hormones. Ive been reading other peoples forums and got questioned by another CPE if I can feel the hairs being plucked out wich sometimes I can and sometimes I cant. Does this mean everytime I could feel the hair coming out it is basically the same as being plucked??? Thank you so much for your time. This kind of feedback feels like therapy to me I really appreciate any advice!!

Oh also…I didnt add more areas. But I would if these areas are sucsessful!! I actually tried to take pictures but the hairs dont even show up at my cameres higest magnification setting. Thanks again

You know the difference between what plucking a hair out feels like, and a little traction while the hair is coming out. If it feels like ripping the hair out with no treatment, then that is bad, but a little popping sensation is acceptable.

Many times it seems like more hair just because one is paying more attention to it, and one has stopped temporary measures that artificially make it look like fewer hairs previously.

I am a little troubled that you say the hairs you are worried about don’t show up on camera and that you don’t expect that you can get a full clearance.

All I can say is that good work would simply work this out over time. If you are getting work every week, you should be fine in no time. give it 3 to 6 months and you should see a noticeable difference.

Yeah that did make me seem a little ocd…lol…i dont have a great camera. I am grateful that they are blond and less noticable that dark would be. I will feel good when people dont stare at it when I talk to them.(I follow thier eyes…bad habit). I think I just need patients and I will talk to my electrologist about the plucking feeling i sometimes get. Sometimes I dont question anything because I dont want to insult her expertiese(sp?). Once again THANKS!!!