So I was taking electrolysis sessions religiously several months ago before I moved too far from my electrologists to continue treatments. In all I had about 10 sessions done on my face (side burns, chin, whisker area, and neck). I was able to get nearly all of my sideburns done. It’s been at least 4-5 months since I’ve had a session done and those hairs have stayed gone. My electrologists had just made her way down to my neck area before I had money issues from moving expenses and could no longer afford treatments. Here is a photo of what my sideburns look like today. You can almost see the on the jawline where she treated and where she didn’t. The hairs that do grow back are very, very thin and fine, nothing like the coarse, dark hair I dealt with so several years. I totally forgot that there are two electrolysis in my area that I relocated to! So I will be continuing treatments with one of them in the near future!
Follow this link to see my pic!:
So I can say, with confidence, that electrolysis does work. Of the area that she actually treated (side burns) I’d say 95% of the hair is gone! That’s great. My whisker area hair is extremely stubborn but I think that will require more treatments, that’s all.
So electrolysis definitely works. But patience is a major requirement. I hope this helps someone in their hair removal journey who is considering electrolysis!
Good Luck!