Electrolysis scarring help

Hello, i did 6 electrolysis sessions. The last 2 weeks ago. Nothing goes away, please need advice :((

No worries, keep it clean it will go away!

This is not electrolysis scarring at all. It’s normal manifestation in wound healing process. Electrolysis on body and limbs produces this type of reaction. You will develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which will slowly fade over months. You can try applying tea-tree oil and a zinc oxide ointment like Calmolseptine to assist with healing process. Watch the series on wound healing process in the link to better understand it.


Okay thank you. I thought it would heal more in 3 weeks i am really surprised. I Hope its not overtreated bc settings are high because the haïr doesnt come easily.

I can see from your comments in other threads that you’re still worried about this. Fenix explained exactly what is happening, so there is really no need to worry. In this other thread, you can see the person has hyperpigmentation and also pitting many times worse than what you are experiencing, and it has faded within six months. Consider also that this person was clearly overtreated while your treatment at least appears to be within the range of what is acceptable.

You will be fine, and it will heal. If this bothers you that much, you might be able to find an electrologist who can take a more gentle approach. If your options are limited, you can continue with this electrologist with no concerns.

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Thank you but doctor (from the center itself) said some part are actually scars. Honnestly in actually living a nightmare

The professionals here would disagree that this is even anything close to scarring. It appears to be hyperpigmentation and angiogenesis, which resolve on their own as part of the healing process. If you’re not convinced, then it doesn’t matter if we call it scarring or by some other name. The important question is whether it will be permanent, and the answer is no, it will not be permanent.

Thank you, sure I dont know why the dermatologists from the center said its scarred tough. We ll see with time and i’ll repost picture of évolution as i dont find similar pictures here for stomach area

sooooo no evolution at all I didn’t touch anything and put cicaplast everyday, I don’t have a life anymore