I’m a 23 year old girl with pale skin and black hair, black peachfuzz everywhere. I can’t wear tops in summer time unless I bleach my whole body from forehead, neck and back to where I begin to shave at my legs.
This summer I started getting pigmentations from all the bleaching and honestly, I don’t like the look, smell nor the fact that it is so temporary and such a chemical process of practically bathing in this hair-bleach that people other wise use gloves to handle. I’ve done it app. monthly since 5th grade when I wanted to shut the boys up.
I’m very sceptical about laser since it is too expensive for another temporary half way solution. Electrolysis seems the way to go, but how realistic is it when the issue is very many fine hairs everywhere? Everywhere, litterally: Fingers, arms, upper arms, shoulders, neck, upper lip, cheeks, forehead, back, lower back, ribs, chest, breasts, tummy. I don’t mind shaving my legs.
I live in the tiny land of Denmark where there are no real professional clinics to speak of, so I have contacted the German electrologist’s community where I was told that the nearest place would be a lady in Hamburg who charges 50 Euro pr 30 minutes.
I’m healthy (no PSOS nor other hormonal problems, I have been this way since childhood) and well - apart from also considering commiting to a complete life as a hermit.
What is the smartest thing to do from here? I’m really not interested in lasers.
Any well informed advice will be very, very appreciated.