I’d like to draw peoples attention to a particular part of my website at electrolysisbyseana.com , a newly added Image gallery:
Here at hairtell, we often get questions that are repeated, over and over and over. To you consumers, it’s all new to you, and have no way of knowing that the person 2 weeks ago showing pictures similar to yours and were provided with the same advice we gave 30 times before. Along the lines however we have had some truly useful gems images posted here, and then one of two things happens, the thread disappears into oblivion and is never read again OR the image it contained expires off of imgur, photobucket, megauploads, dropbox and can no longer be viewed.
I do have a web site and pay for hosting, so I’ve begun the process of gathering up some of those images that are particularly useful in showing electrology concepts, skin reactions, anything that might be important to refer back to, maybe even years later.
I’ve gathered a few of the images that I have found useful here:
One stickling point, is in order to be listed there I MUST have permission to use the image. All images are accredited to their source.
It’s my hope to ask permission of folks that have particularly useful images in describing things like skin reaction, cystic acne, pebbling to submit those images for inclusion, and that especially means those electrologists who post here with images they like to refer back to some time inthe future , then send me the image and I will include it.
Like most of my site, this section is a fledgeling effort and will get prettier as time goes on.