Electrolysis on penis if laser hair removal went badly? (Long post and TMI)

When i was young, i was circumcised and (from what i’ve now been told) it was a tight cut. “Not much skin to play with.”
Growing up and with things “developing”, it started to grow a very thick pair of “sideburns” as a result. These got thicker as i got into my 30’s too. Irritating for me, for partners…for everyone really.
So I had 1 session of laser hair removal at the start of this year. It didn’t go well. The whole thing was over-treated, i did some very bad after-care too (hot baths were definately not a good idea and definately did more than “possibly irritate it”…damn my freezing cold flat!)…the reaction was pretty brutal (and it didn’t help that the clinic abandoned me as soon as i reached out for help either).
So at the moment i’m recovering. Hoping to not need a skin graft (which was my last urologist’s idea to help with the tightening that occured). I plan to continue recovering for another year at least, while the scarring and the jangled nerves hopefully start to settle down (not to mention as it settles into it’s new “shape”…yeah, you read that right; scarring on previously flexible elastin-rich skin can do that if there wasn’t a huge amount of skin to play with in the first place, it actually started to give it a “taper”…i did put “TMI” in the title right?!).
One of the other unfortunate side-effects i got was paradoxical hypertrichosis. Because…why not! And at this point i may just leave most of it alone and go back to shaving/trimming once the skin has calmed down, since mist of it is quite fine anyway. But…there is one patch…one REALLY ANNOYING tuft quite high up (caused by a few years of plucking) that pokes out at a really jaunty angle; that will need to be tackled properly at some point.
Trimming won’t be enough to prevent that from irritating others.
Once everything has calmed down, do you think electroysis would be safe to try and remove the tuft? Obviously i’d imagine people may be wary considering the reaction i had to laser…but i’m pretty sure that reaction was down to over-treatment and poor after care, which wouldn’t be the case on the next try. Anti-biotics, aloe-vera, steroid creams and cool, cool showers would be on stand-by!

I believe you would be safe to do electrolysis. Treatment is contained to each hair follicle so depending on how dense or not dense the growth is you may experience much less swelling than the laser treatment.

Finding a clinic that does genital work may be hard tho, many clinics don’t work that area :frowning:

Electrolysis will be totally safe. If you find a practitioner that uses thermolysis ask for them to work with insulated probes, that will reduce inflammation and scabbing. I believe the shaft is one of those areas where galvanic or blend electrolysis produces faster results.

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Thank you, it’s a long way down the road still so should give me plenty of time to look and research.

Thanks, i appreciate the advice…less inflammation definately sounds preferable!

For scarring, I would recommend the hydromax bathmate pump. My husband used it to correct scar tissue caused by normal life injury that caused his penis to get a large curve. It took a while, but with regular nightly use, he succeeded in straightening it completely. We had asked a urologist about the issue, and he thought it couldn’t be fixed and the bathmate wouldn’t work. But, it did!

Oh, also, my husband had laser on his penis every six weeks for a year. There was some reduction of hair, but it wasn’t complete by any means, and the groin I think was hardly touched. Then he had thermolysis electrolysis done once. It went well. The electrolysis would have been the better way to go to begin with, in my opinion.