Electrolysis on legs

What is people’s opinion and/or experience with getting electrolysis done on lower legs?

I’ve done laser a couple of times on that part and frankly, wasn’t too impressed. Actually, I’ve had different lasers and IPL done on every part of my body and not really impressed with the whole thing. If it was $20 per hour I might be, with the miniscule amounts achieved.

So not mentioning laser (which I know people will be so tempted to say!) what do you think?

I have much experience with women’s legs. It’s an easy job, but you have to be constant. On average, one leg (from knee to ankle) needs a 5 / 6 hours for the first clearance. If you wait long enough without shaving before the first clearance, the results are spectacular. The second clearance will need about 3 hours. And the third one, an hour and a half.

The skin of the legs is very hard and as James always says is a good area to do by yourself.
Do you want to see some examples of completed legs?

I can show you hundreds of them:

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Great photographs Josefa, you always have the perfect ones at hand.

Are you planning to use Vaniqua on your legs,it is only effective on hormonal hair(some facial and body hair but not legs) After 9 months of electrolysis treatment on your legs, did you notice some reduction of hair?

Thanks Christine. :slight_smile:
This is the way to compensate Hairtell readers of my limited knowledge of English. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In my case, a thousand images can forgive million grammatical errors? I hope so.

I enjoy working in the legs. It’s one of my favorite areas because that is where we can show how great is the electrolysis and how fast we can work with our Apilus Platinum. I agree with you in 9 months should only be very isolated hairs (1 or 2 hairs per each 15/20 cm2).

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I’m so happy to have taken the decision to start my leg’s journey the next year! Could you please give me some recommendation to take into account before and during the process? Thanks a lot!

The most valuable advice I can give you is to not touch the hairs for at least 4 months prior to electrolysis.

Here is an example of the results of a single clearance on the legs of a 22-year-old woman who had received some laser sessions several years earlier.

The peculiar horizontal stripes are the result of a bad application of that laser treatment.

BEFORE (February 2016):

AFTER first electrolysis clearing (June 2016):

The first full clearance took 5 days with an average of 7/8 hours/day.

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Thank you Josefa for providing pictures with good definitions as always.

Wow!!! it’s amazing!! I will Follow your recommendation. I waxed my legs at the end of November so I will not touch them till my first clearance that would be take place at the end of February!! (3 months without touch them)

This pictures and recommendations are what customer like me are waiting for a great electrologist like you Josefa. Thank you very much and of course I will post my progress detailed to contribute and let other girls recover the faith!

Josefa as always a picture is worth a thousand words! You gave that poor girl a gift of happy life with your amazing skills.
Every electrologist needs to photo document their work to help educate the public what electolysis is capable of.

Thank you Fenix to say what I previously explained in my topic " advice for customers."
Josefa is very serious when it comes to pictures. She is proud to show her successful work with real pictures. She is very meticulous. Her pictures are of a very good quality from the beginning.

You have to keep in mind that Josefa’s work and result is unfortunately not the gold standard. I strongly advice you to do a patch test in an untouched area and figure out what kind of permanent hair removal you have 3 month after this patch test.

Don’t trust anyone who can’t document seriously his/her works and the best way to know and be sure that you will be in good hands is to clear a square area and see if you have ingrown hair or hair that are cut off like if you shaved them in the treated area. If this is the case at 3 month and you have plenty of what we call " TRUE REGROWTH" ( hairs that was not properly treated and regrowth.) my best advice is to don’t let this practionner work on you and you will have to find another one.

I will add an important thing when it comes to the choice of your practionner: a professional who post on hairtell is not a guarantee of his/her ability to remove hair permanently. It is very easy to understand the process of the “3 clearing” or " clear and wait" stategy like Michael called it the first time. you have to left the area untouched for more than 4 month before beginning the treatment, you don’t have to feel a plucking sensation a d the hair has to be removed without traction. if you can read, everybody can repeat this very good advices on the internet but it is not a guarantee that this practionner can do the job correctly. It is only words and believe me, electrolysis is not a cheap procedure and you do not want to spend a clearance only because you read " good things about an electrologist online."

[color:#990000]and see if you have ingrown hair or hair that are cut off like if you shaved them in the treated area. If this is the case at 3 month and you have plenty of what we call " TRUE REGROWTH" ( hairs that was not properly treated and regrowth.) my best advice is to don’t let this practionner work on you and you will have to find another one. [/color]

Hi Roselake21, you have described exactly the phenomenon that Michael Bono names, explains, and illustrates with real pictures in his books.

Here is an example of how bad “Instant Regrowth” can be. This work was done by a famous electrologist.

I’m happy to see your photo Josefa.

If a client will take a close look at your photo, she will see very blunt hairs regrowing. These blunt hairs are “instant regrowth” and will show up within a few weeks of treatment.

A good clearance should, within a week or so, look clean and then the returning hairs will start to be noticeable after a few weeks. (Yes, actually, the hairs returning from resting stage will be coming in right away … but the client will not notice them.)

The client will not notice the returning (untreated) hairs, because they will come-in with very light and very thin tips … they will NOT look like these hairs “with blunt ends.”

Mostly the person doing this did not use enough current and just made the hairs “angry!” (Long explanation is in my book.)

Josefa, your photo are a great illustration of true regrowth. Can you please tell me what is the time between the clearance done by the electrologist and the moment this picture was taken ?

I need to consult it, but I think it was several weeks.

100% agreement. After a clearance in which all hairs have been properly treated, the regrowth should look similar to this:

One year after a test patch in order to determine the surface cleared in one hour.

In the legs of an adult individual hair development is complete, therefore there is no risk of developing new hairs. The hairs that you can see in this patch are untreated hairs because they were absent during this first time, that is, they had fallen (exogen phase).

Ok, I’m curious to know how many weeks.

Thank you to show how a “patch test.” Should look after only one clearance.

Note that if you do get a decent amount of reduction but less than the “patch test.” displayed by Josefa, maybe you can start the treatment with the electrologist who did it. But if you don’t notice a reduction on this area, forget about it and find someone else.

great info

Your are welcome. It is very important to educate customers before starting a treatment.


in this case quoted you apply the same strategy “clear and wait” the same 8 to 12 weeks between sessions?