Electrolysis on feet (lowest face-technic)


A few months later…

For students of Electrology and they do themselves:

Much attention in this area!!!

Follow the advice in the book of Mr. Bono.
(For me it was really revealing)

Yes, and the marking lasts a very long time (on everybody), but always goes away. I wish I had photographed a patient’s feet and toes. It was astonishing the amount of hair. Toes really do not need hair.

Michael, When you say the marking lasts a long time but always goes away. how long might might it take? I had hair removed from my toes two weeks ago and still have the markings. I was wondering when they might fade?


You are not going to like my answer! PIH on the toes can last 6 months or longer (usually longer). It’s just what toes do. Even in the more “fair” clients … still PIH (althought they didn’t see it, I did under magnification). And “going away?” Good news: it always goes away 100% and the toes look like they never had hair; always a “perfect result.” Just forge ahead and don’t be concerned with the brown marks. Be brave, it’s worth it in the end.

Michael is correct. This client will come soon to work in other areas. It’s been about 6 months after the first cleaning of the area and 4 from the second. I put the photo of the "after. " Nobody could say that there was no hair ever.

I had brown dots on my toes for about six months after I had electrolysis done. My toes are lovely and evenly toned now. Ahhh…

Yes, Dee, I also had purple dots on my toes for about six months after Electrolysis.

My toes are ugly (I never show my feet because I hate the way they are) but all the dots disappeared and the hairs too!! (I found a fine hair in the big toe on my right foot).

Well, these pictures demonstrate my unconditional delivery for the Electrolysis.:blush:
Maybe my heroism calms to MsPetite. :wink:

These are my feet now. Horror!!!

Thanks everyone for the answers. Wow, that is a lot longer than I expected but it is worth it to be hairfree for good.

Josefa, I see no horror there, only two lovely feet. :slight_smile:

Months go by faster than you think. I recommend my clients take advantage of the winter for this area. Especially if they wear sandals in the summer.

Oh thank you Caith. I love you!! :smiley:

MsPetite - I had the hair on my fingers removed 3 months ago and there is pigmentation there, but it is much less noticeable than how my fingers looked pre-electrolysis. The reduction of hair after one clearance has been significant enough for me not to be conscious of my fingers anymore and the pigmentation has lessened somewhat over the 3 months. It’s definitely worth it, so go for it if you want and can. :slight_smile:

josefa fantastic photo’s as usual, always a joy to see these pic’s.