Electrolysis on beard

So i’ve had a few sessions doing beard shaping and am very satisfied with the results. I’m very curious and simply for knowledge(for now), i have a full beard and only shave 1-2 times a week because if i shave too often my skin gets really irritated. I wonder if I get my full beard done just one time how much thinner my beard will be? I can say that the areas I got done showed about a 50% reduction(complete guess) after the first treatment. I’m also curious if the remaining beard will be consistent(not patchy). Anyone?

Can anyone provide any input on this?

If you got a 50% reduction before, then I would count on 50% reduction on what you have now. If you are not finished developing your hair growth pattern because you are below the age of 35 or 40, then you may be doing some zapping until things calm down when you are older…

There’s too many unknowns here. We dont know they type of electrolysis, how good the electrologist at killing hair wwith each treatment, unfortunately with what you have given us, we’d just be guessing too.