Electrolysis might not be working for me? scabs, tweezing.. I need some help please :(

Hi, I am a client. I have been doing electrolysis for 6 months now, on my legs and bikini area I have just started. I have seen very little progress tbh, and it is so frustrating, as I have had 40 hours in total so far. I have purchased more hours but I feel this will not be enough and I have no idea what to do now. My hair is blondish/redish, and although some of it has come back finer, I honestly do not see a very big difference. I also feel a lot of plucking from one of the therapists, and even though I told her that she just said my hair is stubborn (?!) and that she is working on a very high setting.

I only realized I should not feel any plucking a few weeks ago, so I really feel like I have wasted a lot of money.

Can you give me some advice please as to what to do and how to continue, I don’t have the budget to continue another year like this, maybe 20 hours and that’s it.

The center I go to is a famous one and they are using Evolution 7 machine, they are doing thermolysis with me.

The only time I have seen some result is with this one therapist who has 20 years of experience and after her my skin is really red and looks like I have scabs, but it goes away after a few days and I see less regrowth.

Help ladies, this process is time consuming and super expensive and I have been thinking about this for a very long time.

P.S. I see hair regrow from those red scabs after the treatment, is it normal?

I plan to go on vacation for 1 month, how will this affect my progress? I will only shave.


Hi Katarina, electrolysis is effective on large areas such as legs and bikini if you are able to find two skilled electrologists who are nimble and can work in unison . What I mean by this, having two electrologists working together on each of your legs. Minus the plucking!!! I’m sorry to say, it sounds as If you have had some expensive tweezing sessions. I would speak with the owner and explain your concerns to them. It’s unfortunate that your legs hairs are fair or I would recommend having a few laser treatments to remove the majority of your leg hairs first, and then go back to electrolysis to finish the few remaining hairs, laser is unable to do. There are three steps to having proper electrolysis treatment. 1. Insertion: no puncturing of the skin with the filament. One should not feel the electrolysis filament (needle) being inserted into the hair follicle if it is being done correctly.
2. You will feel the current being administered.
3. The hair should automatically slide out. There should be no tugging or pulling whatsoever or this is an expensive tweeze job.
I hope this is helpful.

Thank you. I have requested a meeting with her. On the phone, one of the other managers was trying to convince me that the tweezing sensation is normal, and that it can happen if the hair is too dry or in telogen phase and the root is bigger than the follicle. I told her that I can be tweezing at home myself and not pay 5000 $ for that, but she was adamant. They are saying that it is still early to tell, which I am aware of, but certainly there should be at least 50% less hair and there is barely a 10 % difference! I don’t know what to do, how can I remedy this? They will not return my money back that’s for sure.

These are my legs two days ago, and this is the timeline.

It’s difficult to assess progress without before and after pictures for comparison. If you’ve had 40 hours to date and don’t see a noticeable reduction, then another 20 hours is almost definitely not going to be enough for total removal.

Aside from the plucking issue, your electrologist needs to be clearing the area of hair regularly to advance. If she has not cleared this area at least twice within these six months, then progress will not be as expected.

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I’m sorry to say this Katarina, but you are being played. If this is what this manager chooses to tell you, it is bad business practice. I’m sure she is well aware that any form of tweezing of the hair, is only increasing the blood supply. This is not how we permanently kill hair follicles. Please try and find an electrologist who is accredited, knowledgeable and honest with you. PS what Thermo has shared is also very good advice. All the best to you.

Thank you very much, it is what I was afraid of. It is too late now and that money was wasted, but I will try to find another clinic who can help or reassess the situation. I feel horrible as I am usually very cautious with money and my body.

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Using simple words your electrologist is crap.she comes up with bad excuses.find someone else it’s the best advice that I can give you

We treat large areas in our clinics on all hair colors/types. We clear the area every 8 weeks and each clearing is a noticeable difference. Treatment plans are 5-10 clears to be completed. If you’re feeling tweezing you will not get results.