Electrolysis/Laser on extremely reactive black skin + ingrown hair

Hello everyone,

Fisrt of all, sorry for my English, I am French (from Paris even if I understood that there was no point in looking for a good address in France :slight_smile: )

I discorvered the site and I think I would have only good and honest advice. The plateform is amazing,thanks for your help !

I am a black woman of 22 years old, and it’s been five years that I have some problems of hair on my stomach (under the navel). I used tweezers for two-three hair and over the months they have multiplied and strengthened (I don’t know if it is the term when it is not due to laser, but I am extremly prone to “paradoxical regrowth”, I pick one and a little time after new appear around, quite far from the area and very quickly)

I also score a lot, have reactive, sensitive skin (it’s a fact) and bigger problem: I systematically make ingrown hairs, which end in a way of pseudofolliculitis/hypertrophic scars (and they disturb me MUCH more than the hairs). Nothing works, they are due to the nature of my hair and not to waxing (besides I don’t really wax anymore, but they always appear). I attach pictures, more eloquent than words!

My hair is scattered and some are stronger than others which makes me lean towards electrolysis, but I really fear the reaction of my skin (ingrown hair leading to cheloides). I would have preferred the laser if I wasn’t so afraid of paradoxical regrowth

Following these clarifications and my research I would have liked to know:

  • Is the stomach prone to paradoxical regrowth?
  • If I go for electrolysis, I think I can’t do more than one session a month. How long do you think it might take, will it be effective?
  • Does electrolysis accentuate the problem of ingrown hair?

If you have any comments or advice, I would be happy to hear it. Have a good day!

PS: I’m new I failed to put photos maybe this is an option that appears after? I’ll try later !

Unfortunately I don’t have the medical background knowledge to answer all your questions but I have found this website of a business that does laser tattoo removal in Maine and many other services related to skin issues, maybe the photos or descriptions will help you on your decision making

You can do Laser on the Belly area with no issues. It will clear ingrown hair and improve your scarring. You need an NDYAG wavelength laser and a provider who is skilled in treating dark skin.

Thanks for your answer !

Also, I found a picture of few months (it is better now) and you also see my pilosity… I think I delete this later!

Are you prone for keliod scaring?

Thanks for your answer.
I certainly do a lot of hypertrophic scars and relief scars from ingrown hair on the stomach. (I have systematically ingrown hair but my stomach is the only place that reacts in this way).

I have one on my knee due to an old injury, but otherwise I don’t know if I am “particularly” prone to it.

The stomach / abdominal area is not prone to laser hair stimulation, but like advised above, make sure a Yag laser is used by an experienced laser specialist.

You can get electrolysis, but France is not an electrolysis friendly place to seek this service. If by chance you can find someone good in France that can get you cleared each session, you can wait 6-8 weeks for the next group of hairs to appear and clear those hairs. It will take about a year to 18 months to complete this due to not all hairs being present at the same time. Can’t go any faster than this. Electrolysis does not cause more ingrown hairs, unless the hairs are not being treated properly. For your case, Blend or straight galvanic would be a very good choice, but good luck with finding someone.

I do think you will need to explore laser because of your geographical location.

Thank you for the photo. I have never seen anything like that! I’m wondering if you were doing some hard-core tweezing or picking at ingrowns with a thick needle or something. Your skin was reacting to something very harsh.

Thank you Deedra !
Laser hair stimulation is my biggest fear. I know this quick stimulation withouth, with tweezeer for instance so I wanted to be sure.

Also, I have never shaved this area and I know it is necessary for laser. Do you think my hair is thick enough (the photo is fairly accurate)?

And about what’s happening on my stomach: Actually, it’s cyclical (I know it will reccomencera when I have other ingrown hairs) and it seems to be quite spontaneous, it can happen without me touching my skin (and ingrown hair is sometimes stuck in it). It can stay for weeks and months and then improve. I have the impression that the ingrown hair being very deep, the skin reacts very strongly and much too much on the surface (As a result, I was afraid that the “aggression” that constitutes the electrolysis amplifies the phenomenon). That’s why I really want to get rid of the hair. Dermatologists don’t really know what it is, an overaction of my skin, a follicule infection causing me hyperthrophic scarring, pseudo folliculitis…

I’m with the dermatologists. Very puzzling as to what causes this if you are not trying to dig out ingrown hair? I do know that getting rid of the hair, which is an irritant, will put you on the path of good skin healing.

The hair does appear thick enough, but laser is going to get you a reduction - not total permanent hair removal as you would get with properly performed electrolysis. You might have to travel for electrolysis to Spain or the UK?

Thanks a lot for your answer. I am not sure, but I only know that this phenomenon can appear as soon as there is an ingrown hair. Nevertheless, all dermatologists have advised me not to touch my stomach anymore, so I imagine that trying to remove them will only worsen the phenomenon.

I hope to be able to travel to do electrolysis but I am not sure that this is possible (especially over such a long period and the regularity of appointments… Maybe alternate with electrolysis in France? ) Do you have addresses to recomand in Spain or the United Kingdom?

Subject related, but by enquiring I found a center using apilus but only the method thermolysis. Another electrolysis on his own uses the same method but with the “infiny” machine.

  • Are Apilus and Infiny significantly different?
  • In your opinion, would thermolysis be an innate method in my case?

Well, coming from france, I’m going to say there is only one for sure professional to handle this case.They are located in Malaga spain. I have few clients with darker skin who also have PCOS and have seen these nasty types of ingrown before, the key to stopping it is with proper medical intervention if there is a hormonal influence and by the best professional ingrown extraction there is. I have a client I’ll call “T” who I’ve extracted many of these types of ingrown hairs from for several years now , but no need anymore, her skin is flawless! I removed those ingrowns, by exactly copying this same professionals techniques exactly.
Drop me your email address in a private message and I’ll ask her if she might drop you a line.I cant think of anyone more qualified for dealing witht his kind of skin issue.


Thank you a lot I’ll contact you !

Thank everyone for the answer!

So, I’ll try one or two lasers treatment for my stomach before electrolysis if it is withouth danger ! I’ll keep you in touch, I hope one day I can show you a smooth stomach without scarring and no longer have this complex.

I have some other questions but I think it is better to create an other subject.

Here is a recent photo of my stomach. I have an appointment in 1 week for the laser
pre-consultation. Although I have had many answers I am open to any advice and suggestions. I will try to keep up to date.

Ensure that you notice sign of follicle damage 5-15 min after light beams. That is follicles become red & swollen, looking like mosquito bites. This is to ensure that u will receive ACTUAL result.

For more info, please read Beauty, Laser & Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal: How do you know if such laser treatment session is effective?