Electrolysis injury!

Electrolysis injury

I decided to show a few “injuries from electrolysis.” And this is the first.

Here are two different clients with the same injury (you are looking at the left shoulder areas). Both had previous treatments, and from me too.

On close examination, the skin was scaly, rough and “scar-like.” Most of us would assume that this injury had something to do with “bad” electrolysis … and presume “we did it.” But we didn’t!

The spot you are looking at is where a barbell rests during an upper body workout: both guys “confessed” to this and were aware of the marks.

Point: Often both electrologists and clients assume that some “manifestation” was the result of electrolysis. (In the below cases, the marking wasn’t visible until some hair was clipped or removed.)

Furthermore, what is often termed “overtreatment” is not overtreatment at all!

It gets tiresome that “everything” that looks just a tiny bit wrong is termed “overtreatment” and sends clients into hysterics (electrologists too) … I’m working on a series of photos to highlight this and hope it helps clients (even thought I know it won’t.)

I have often been criticized for showing “scabs and bumps” from my own electrolysis treatments. But if we don’t showcase issues, and try to understand what’s happening, how can we truly progress in this field?

(I have shown this before … so those that remember, don’t say anything just yet.)

Anyway, here’s another “electrolysis injury.”

Were this to be posted on Hairtell (with no forensics), most of us would “lose it” and recommend: 1) seeing another electrologist, 2) using a Laurier needle, 3) Trying another “method,” 4) putting on everything from aloe to Retin-A …

So, what’s going on here? Something looks wrong and nasty? “Who done it?” What is it?

This is an “injury” that I’ve seen many times. If the person is “right-handed” the injury is usually on the left shoulder … “left-handed” on the right shoulder. The injury, strangely enough, shows up a few days after the treatment. Most of the time I don’t get to see these lesions, but with kids that stay here for a few weeks, I get to see it all. So, what happened?

Just at the moment when the healing process starts to cause itching … well, during the night the client scratches the area and tears up the skin.

Importantly, this is not a serious injury at all. This injury will heal with zero scars or marks. Such injuries only affect the epidermis and superficial dermis (not the reticular dermis where the “real” scar formation takes place.)

Wounds like this will heal without incident and the client may put creams or oils on the skin to keep the scab soft. (This particular client is coming back from Europe in a couple months, and I will photograph the area at that time.)

I know this is “pathetic” … but I still find all of this fascinating! Yes, even FUN! I need to “get a life?”

Next week, I will have a real loo-loo for you. Stay tuned (I’m waiting to take the “after” photo.)

This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing !

We often think about our skin as just, well, our skin! We seldom give our skin the credit it deserves and often abuse it in all kinds of diabolical ways (mostly to “improve” its appearance).

A good analogy for me is like saying the word “land.” You know: the earth is “ocean and land?” But “land” can be everything from scorching deserts to frozen tundra. In some ways the skin is like that too. And, our different “skins” are often separated by mere millimeters!

Consider your hairless forehead and then “presto” the luxurious hair growth (and active sebaceous glands) on your scalp. Actually, every square centimeter of your body’s skin is different, does different things, reacts to hormones differently, stores different cells, heals differently and yes, reacts differently to electrolysis (and laser). (It takes years for electrologists to get a real feeling for this).

Next week I will have some amazing photos for you. But for now, here’s a simple demonstration you can do on yourself.

Pinch the skin on the BACK of your neck … now, pinch the skin on the FRONT of your neck. Do a lot of “pinching” and notice exactly where your neck skin changes. And, what is the big difference you notice? What effect might this have on the performance of electrolysis? (And, that’s what you will be seeing next week … along with my usual long-winded explanation.)

Can’t wait! APPLAUSE!!!

I like your “land” analogy. It’s a very effective way to teach people, as everybody knows about land and water.