Electrolysis in nose? Hear me out first?

So, I was wondering if it was possible to get electrolysis done in the nose. Now, NOT deep into the nose. I know we need nose hairs…but see, I have nose hairs growing from the bottom of my nostrils…

And they aren’t deep inside my nose either, it’s like right at the edge.

I took a stock photo and drew where the hairs are (hopefully it shows up, i might have to edit this post if it doesn’t):

They are in my nose, but not deep in. And I just wanted to know if I could get them removed.

It sucks because I don’t know anyone else with this problem…and I’m a woman by the way. Like I know everyone has nose hair, but I don’t see any women have it in the spot that I do…

When I was younger, I made the mistake of trimming nose hair when it was never even a problem before, but I was scared so I trimmed it. And it was NEVER this bad…I was always able to maintain it…but just recently this year, I used a nose trimmer, and I guess I accidently had the trimmer touch the bottom of my nostrils and now suddenly these tiny black hairs are there and they stick out.

(I tried bleaching them last week, and it worked. But I’m scared that somehow it would make things worse…so I don’t want to try again)

I was just wondering if getting electrolysis in this area was possible, or if I have to deal with this forever…

qwerty Attachments

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I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but no you cant do electrolysis there.It has nothing to do with needing nose hair, it has to do with the proximity of the neural pathways to the brain.
I’m a transwoman, and also have hair there. I pluck them . I’d also like to point out that the closer you get to the nostrils even on the upper lip, electrolysis becomes very difficult. My eyes water every time I do electrolysis just under the nose.


You’re right, it really isn’t what I want to hear :frowning:

I’m scared to pluck them, because I’m scared they will get worse. I guess I can just try to cover them with make up…

I would never recommend plucking nose hairs. It’s not exactly “neural pathways,” but blood vessels that “drain back” into the head. (Check this yourself on-line to see the physiology and the associated risks in plucking). Do not pluck your nose hairs! This is a medical issue, not opinion.

Plucking on a continual basis is a bad idea because of the on-going risk of infection that could develop into a “deeper” infection. People often carry bacteria in the nose; so the danger is already lurking. CLIPPING nose hairs is a better, somewhat safer option; but not if you nick yourself!

However, if people are super-concerned with nose hairs … YES, they CAN be safely removed by electrolysis (sorry SeanaTG). The point is that getting a few hairs permanently removed in a SAFE way is probably better/safer than habitual plucking. I have done this many times for people that cannot stop plucking.

Proper “prep” is mandatory, of course, and a little local anesthetic is usually required. In all cases, so far, the patient only required two treatments to make enough of a difference in their appearance so they never thought about plucking or cutting again. Overall, I think this is a safer way-to-go.

I’m a guy. I tried getting a few hairs just below these done with electrolysis because they were hard to shave. Never again! Too painful! I’ve been told that I have a high pain tolerance. Then I got talked into trying to get them with laser. Nope!!! I just take the time to shave them now. This area can make a grown man cry!

How right you are! Electrolysis in (or near) the nose? … Forget it!

Personally, I find electrolysis (with any machine or any modality) a form of medieval torture. I will not have even one hair, on any part of my body, removed without local anesthetic. Lots of people do laser and electrolysis with no pain control … I perform it on them; I do NOT understand how they can “take it!”

As a side note, the surgeon I work with FAINTS if you try to give him an injection of anything! Funny if you think about it!

Well I’ve full brazillian work done. Electrolysis and laser with out any pain control. None of it anywhere done there comes close to the pain associated with my nose. I’ve also had some skin cancers removed from nose with all of the pain relief available, it still hurts!

… inevitably, indeed. But nevertheless many of us do such treatments quite often. BTW: short treatment times of, say, 0.1-0.2 secs really help with the pain, and luckily the skin usually allows for relatively small settings. And no, it is no fun at all to do do such a painful treatment. Three times more exhausting as usually, at least!

Even “better”: as soon as You reach the interior of the nostril (the outermost part where there is still normal skin), the pain sensitivity reduces a bit. Although it remains really painful - tears are almost unavoidable if You do not let a dentist numb that part of the upper jaw.

BTW - a REAL man is brave enough to let the tears flow, isn’t he?

@Seana: i had several treatments of 2 hours on the upper lips - unnumbed, pulsed blend over 12 secs and such … THAT was a torture!

I’ve had electrolysis performed in the areas you’ve indicated. The area nearest the upper lip is the most sensitive. The first 2/3 hairs are horrible but thereafter I found the sensation bearable. Other areas inside the nose were almost sensation free - see the picture posted by Josefa here:

That spot was absolutely fine for me. I’ve had 2 treatments in the nose and that’s made a huge difference. Have some tissues ready because your eyes will water. Note that not all electrologists will work in this area.

I’ve had marathon sessions of electrolysis (8 hours per day) all without numbing.

Thanks for the picture mh1212, :slight_smile:

As usual, our Michael is right. The treatment in this area is feasible, safe, and much more recommendable than plucking. A practical example in the video below. The area was infiltrated with a little local anesthetic.

It was that picture of Josefas work (btw, one page earlier in the same thread) which encouraged me to epilate this area.

Actually i too was able to do these treatments at the end of really long and heavy sessions in the whole face.

Whoa, I wake up and come to find the rest of these responses.
Thanks everyone, they did help put me a little more at ease.

Thank you Michael, I had a small feeling it was possible to get nose hairs in this area treated. If two treatments is enough to make a difference then that’s definitely the route I wanna take.

And Josefa, I watched the video, and that’s exactly where I want to be treated. I just want to get a couple of hairs out of the way.

I have treated many cases of this area,for both males and females, with and without anesthetic. As long as we can get a clear view of where the hair is growing from, it can be treated. Your skin is so perfect, really beautiful.