To begin with, I am a 26 year old female of Indian descent, moving to Glasgow for further studies. I have always had issues with facial hair, but something that was manageable with monthly sessions. However, when I moved to the UK ended up taking things in my own hands (yes, plucking ) and must say it has made things worse!
It was only in december last year that i finally accepted that I have a problem and need to do something about it. Got my blood stuff done and there was a hormonal imbalance. Change in lifestyle has brought a definite change and today 8 mnths later my blood reports are getting progressively better. I still have a long way to go but think that its time to start with the permanent hair removal treatments.
My main issue is the coarse chin hair, and after following most threads I have decided to not go for laser and stick with electrolysis for this area (as the hair is not focussed and is scattered…do not want to take chances with induced hair growth!)
Any recommendations for a good electrologist in the glasgow area? I am going to be here for 3 years, having the stability, money and courage I haven’t had in the past 5 years to start and stick with this treatment.