Electrolysis in Brisbane, Australia

After three years of Laser Hair Removal (firstly the Alexandrite Laser and then Starlux SIPL Laser System), I ended up with less money and more face and neck hair than when I started. I think by all accounts it could be considered a complete failure.

I’ve decided to try Electrolysis. I live in Brisbane, Australia and would appreciate any referrals. Also, any advice as to what machine I should look for.

Btw - the hair is probably hormonal. One scan suggested that I have PCOS, but then another showed that I was clear, so I’m not sure.

Thankyou for any advice.

Hey had the same problem done laser and face and didn’t work. I got the clear from blood test but got higher testosterone levels.
After research started electrolysis. Went to 3 different clinics and went with the one I believed is a top clinic. But after 2 years of treatment (26hrs in 22 sessions)I’m not happy. It should be finished by now but I still have 40% of hair left.
I can only tell you where not to go to. Am currently looking for another clinic.

Laser only works on coarse dense growth. I assume you’re female, so you were probably not a good candidate for laser. Unfortunately, there are many clinics out there who will treat anyone who’s willing to pay regardless of that fact.

Look up symptoms of PCOS. If you suspect you have it, you may want to see an endocrinologist. If your body has a condition that continually develops NEW hair, you will need touchups once in a while even once you’re done with electrolysis to remove any NEW hair your body later develops. There are some hormone-controlling medications that can help prevent new growth while you’re on them.

Be sure to do your research to find a good electrologist. Try to find someone using thermolysis. You should go in for longer treatments up front to clear the area. Then come in once every 3 weeks or so to clear it again and again for about 18 months total. You should sample 3-4 electrologists and find one that does good work, i.e. hair slides out without resistance after zapping.