I’ve been getting galvanic electrolysis treatments on my upper lip and chin area for a few years and stopped a while ago due to noticing that these white spots that weren’t going away. I’m pretty sure they are scars but my electrologist has not confirmed and keeps dodging any questions. The clinic never alerted me to the issue and whenever I would ask was told it was likely part of the healing process, so continued out of ignorance.
I consulted with another electrologist and they said neither the level of scabbing I would develop post-op or the hypopigmentation are normal. My electrologist is trying to get me to sign an NDA for a refund of the sessions I’ve already pre-paid. I always followed both pre and post-op instructions and used the witch hazel and aloe vera provided by the clinic, so I’m not sure why this has happened. I had about 20 hours of the blend method in the past and never had scabbing or scarring.