Electrolysis for very shallow hair

Hello All,

My hair is very fine and shallow. I plucked from the nearest point to the skin (Like in Mike Bono’s video) ,the root goes in just 1 mm below the skin. Some are like half a mm . So, my question is

  1. Are such shallow hair effectively treated with electrolysis?

  2. The root is not bulbous. It is a small white ending ( like a vellous hair) . The hair is dark but the root is white. I suppose I should use much lesser currents.? And shallow insertions?

the white end of the hair ( combined with the depth) tell you the stage of growth of these hairs. Can you tell me which stage they are in? Here’s a hint, as treatment progresses most of the hairs in this phase will be replaced with hairs in anagen stage of growth that will come out with a bulb.
I can tell you these hair follicles can absolutely be destroyed, though many electrologists are taught not to treat them! You simply insert the probe to Anagen depth and deliver your current, as you would with any other hair. If the hair itself is more shallow, you can deliver a shallow pulse of energy to loosen it, but this really isnt necessary .

I think they are in the growing phase (i.e anagen). I got very distraught one day and shaved them off…(didnt wax coz this forum asked me not to)

So, now they are coming in…i.e anagen. Right?

maybe they were when you shaved, but the white ends ( and no bulb) are your clue to their stage of growth. It’s not anagen…

So, what stage is it?

Thanks a lot…I will ge through it.

Lots of gratitude and love

Oh watching Josefa work is so fantastic :3
Makes me remember watching Mike’s video of Hinkel’s lecture, where he mentioned club hairs and Anagen hairs, and he said something like, “now I would bet every time, that if the hair visible right at the surface of the skin is white and losing its pigment, it’s a club hair; and if it’s dark right at the surface it’s an anagen hair” hehe.
I wonder how you would tell that a hair is in its transitory napping cat (catagen) phase :o? I don’t see it mentioned around often.

It almost looks like anagen hair is thicker/ stronger/ longer

Telogen hair looks thinner/ shorter
Which could be wrong…as anagen hair are still growing…and should logically be shorter or slimmer than a fully grown telogen. Or am I missing something

I also cant but notice that Josepha prefers to insert under the hair…than over it.

the telogen hair may appear thinner due to the loss of pigment towards the base of the hair. They are not growing, they are rising somewhat in the follicle and have separated from the dermal papillae which feeds blood to the hair.This is why they are shorter, they may have been in the tail end of anagen when last shaved, and they arent growing. They are typically situated very shallow…BUT! it’s important to still distribute your energy at the anagen depth to destroy the stem cells and papillae located at that depth. This is why you see Josefa ort of “dipping” in the hair as she distributes energy both in the shallow area where the hair terminates to loosen it and also in the anagen area of the follicle.

Gee, I wonder what the great James Walker would have to say on this topic ( shameless egging on )