Electrolysis following laser

Hi all,

Sorry if I am missing anything here- I have had almost twelve sessions of laser hair removal (although not always consistent). On my body- I am happy with the results on my legs, bikini and lower and under arms.

I started on my upper back, upper arms and chest a few years back and broke out terribly with postules and had terrible follicititus. Now that I have stopped laser it seems to have gone.

I actually realise there’s more hair growth now in these areas than before… and am thinking of having electrolysis on my breasts underneath and lower back and buttocks- for now.

I have some reservations though - I know it’s a long process and I am willing to be patien but will this get rid of all the dots I currently have they’re like black dots from where the hairs were and also would this take at least a few years…?

I don’t have many hairs and they are fine.



What are those dots you’re talking about? Ingrown hairs, hyper pigmentation, beauty marks, other?

space junk. Bits of trapped dead hair from laser.

Sorry, I should have been clearer.

They’re not ingrown hairs but more like black dots left after shaving on legs, let’s say, like strawberry legs but not as prominent. I still have fine hairs in those areas so I’m not sure the hairs were "killed’ off.


Thank you- I still have hairs growing in some spaces, would electrolysis diminish these…? I have this just under my boobs on my stomach

electrolysis can kill any hairof any type size or color.

Thank you Seana.
I have a few questions:

Could electrolysis lead to follicititus…? I ask because I essentially want tiger rid of this on my breasts and in between… laser lead to this and I have been told that fine hair should be left alone.

I have sensitive skin so am anxious about getting this done.

Many thanks, puja

Thank you Seana.
I have a few questions:

Could electrolysis lead to follicititus…? I ask because I essentially want tiger rid of this on my breasts and in between… laser lead to this and I have been told that fine hair should be left alone.

I have sensitive skin so am anxious about getting this done.

Many thanks, puja

Not really.hairs themselves can though.folliculitus is caused be repeated irritation (such as by a hair, folliculitus barbae) and post electrolysis if a good dilation is performed then electrolysis never has to be performed on that follicle again

Are pimples possible where the hair "should have been’ as I would essentially be getting rid of any baby hair …

Come again?

I dont understand that question either…

To clarify, when I was on my fifth session for laser hair removal, I was told by the consultant that I shouldn’t really have been getting laser on my chest as :-

1)the hairs are fine
2) could induce hair growth
3) getting rid of hair in certain areas could lead to pimples as the hairs are no longer "protecting the skin’ …

So if I opt to have hair removal vía electrolysis, is there still a chance of haing pimples all the time as the hair is no longer acting as a ‘barrier’.

I hope this is clearer …’

no there is no chance. pimples arent created by electrolysis or at least shouldnt be unlesss some type of contaminant is getting on the area. The “pimples” from laser are often bits of trapped or ingrown hair.

I think she meant ‘‘can pimples still form if the hair follicle is destroyed’’. In other words, are dead follicles somehow filled or can they still clog and form a pimple?

Thank you


I went for a consultation today and was told the hair on my breasts were fine and she couldn’t see the follicles- I did bleach a while back but she said I should get them dark again so she could see the follicles to be able to treat them.

Should laser work on fine hair…?
