I am close to finish reducing hair with laser in the places I wanted to only reduce hair( legs, arms upper arms)
When I am done I want to get on with electrolysis and do my back and shoulders. the hair is very thin and light but enough to make me not wanting to take off my top. If I commit to 2 hours a week. how long would it take to finish the job? shoudl I try 4 hours a week?
It all depends on the speed of the electrolysis operator you are working with, but most back jobs can get a good first clearance (assuming hairs per minute speed is fast) in 12 hours or less and complete the job in 75 hours or less, assuming good speed, and a client who comes in on schedule.
Your results with your practitioner will vary.
If you don’t really have much hair, this could be 4 hours or less to first clearnace, and 12 to 20 hours to finished.
Come to think of it, I don’t even know why I even tried to answer this question other than to say, WHO KNOWS without seeing you, and without knowing how many hairs per square inch, and who will be doing the work, and how fast they are, and how often you will get work done!
thank you James. It’s not much but it’s fine hair almost all over my back with placec where there is no hair.
Are you saying that most backs will get first clearence in 12 hours (isn’t that faster than the face)?
You kind of encouraged me to start electrolysis.
I know that it’s hard to say cuz you dont see me.
Have you cleared a lot of backs?
with thermolysis, an experienced tech can zap 5-6 hairs per minute. best thing you can do is estimate how many hairs you have and divide by this number to get # of hours for first clearance. after that, expect to go in once every 2-3 weeks at least for 9-12 month to get all hairs in growing phase.
Yes, a man’s back will actually get first clearance faster than his face, because, believe it or not, most faces have more hairs than the back! In fact, I have often found that most faces have more hair than most legs! It is a shame really, because so many people think, “Oh, wow, it took this long to do my face, I would like to get my legs done, but that would take a lifetime!” when in fact, both legs might be much quicker to do to completion than the face.
Intresting fact
thank you James
That is crazy, but it makes so much sense if you think about it! Very Interesting! And, hairybastard, I have to say that I LOVE your name. It is so awesome to see that you have a sense of humor about things. Good luck to you.