Electrolysis around aereola - hygiene concerns + results

Hi there,

I have quite a few very thick hairs that grow around my aerola. When I would tweeze them before, they would all become ingrown so I’ve been doing electrolysis for about 2 years but very on and off. About 4 months ago, I started going to a clinic every two weeks or so.

Then, I moved and am seeing a new person. I’m seeing her once a week for 15 minutes. She’s doing things a bit differently than I’m used to and wanted to check if it was okay. I’m also worried (like many) about the results and wondering if I am seeing a talented operator. I’ve been going for about 2 months with this specific person every week.

My main question mark is that we reuse the little rod. She places it in a little plastic tube and I bring it with me every session. Is that okay to do?

She does use alcohol to sanitize the area and has one gloved hand and one non-gloved hand. Once it’s over, she puts cream and then goes over it with a rod that is supposed to disinfect?

I can’t share pictures but I’m constantly red and it doesn’t seem to heal very quickly but that was also my experience with the person I saw before.

Does anyone have advice / thoughts?

I use witch hazel and anti-septic cream about twice a day. Has anyone ever tried scar tape on this type of area? Could it help?

no, reusing a needle is not only unsanitary, but also blatently against health regulations. Avoid this electrologist.


What little rod in plastic bag do you reuse? Do you mean the actual needle the tech inserts in to the follicles? And the roller they’re using after treatment is called a cataphoresis, it’s used to calm the skin but it’s not an important treatment. You don’t need scar tape during treatments during electrolysis.

It’s this piece?

And is this a normal result a few days post? This is many sessions in after going once a week so not all the redness is from one session. This woman has amazing reviews and many of them so I’m confused as to why if what she is doing is not okay.

That’s the probe or needle. It’s expected that an electrologist will use a new one for each client and each treatment. They’re worth between US$1-2, which is so cheap compared to the hourly rate we charge that I’ve never even considered the possibility of reusing one.

Aside from the sanitary concerns, probes can bend out of shape easily even during the course of one treatment and need to be replaced.

Having said that, nothing about the image you posted is concerning. That’s a very normal result.

The picture is not concerning. You have fair skin tone and the area is sensitive in nature so that reaction type can’t be avoided completely. Cold aloe gel, a dab of tea tree oil for several days followed by a zinc oxide ointment like Calmolseptine under shrink-wrap occlusion will speed up healing process and reduce the redness.
As for reusing the needle, tell your practitioner that you’re willing to pay for each probe per session because you’re concerned about hygiene, infection risk. What country are these treatments in? The only reason I can think of why they’re reusing needles is if it’s hard to access electrology supplies in some parts of the world, otherwise it does not make sense to me.

Thanks to both of you for your answer. I’ve been considering changing practitioners but maybe I should just discuss how much it would be to change the probe every session. I think she charged me 25$ on my first session for the probe. I’m not sure I’m willing to pay that every time on top of the 30$ I pay every 15 minutes.

I’m in Montreal, Canada - so I’m not sure why she’s not changing them. I’m not sure there’s much of a supply chain issue here.

Thanks again for the advice / tips.

The needle charge is exorbitant, and it is against public health regulations to re-use a needle. Please go see Dimitrov, he’s in Montreal.There are actually LOTS of qualified electrologists in Montreal at rates that are competitive.Honestly, I’m not even all that far away in Ottawa though my rates are higher. at $50 for 15 minutes now.

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Thanks for the advice. I’ve reached out to Dimitrov. I’m sometimes in Ottawa so will reach out if that’s ever the case!