Electrolysis and various skin conditions

Does any of the following skin conditions have any impact on electrolysis safety/results?

  • Keratosis Pilaris
  • Freckles
  • Moles
  • Scars

I have had laser treatment on back/shoulders before and I can’t remember that they mentioned anything about it then, but from what I’m reading laser is obviously not safe for all of these. I’m guessing they avoided treating ‘unsafe’ spots since the place was very professional otherwise.

Are these things less of an issue, or perfectly safe, for electrolysis?

All conditions are fine and electrolysis greatly improves Keratosis Pilaris (by removing the follicle).

Treating a mole will engender some discussion/controversy among peers, but all the derms I’ve worked with say … “treat the hairy mole, no problem.” So, I do.

Thanks, Michael! Just the reassurance I needed to be sure there won’t be complications I hadn’t thought about. I will probably have more questions later.

Improving KP is something I would really appreciate. I have it on the top side of my arms, my shoulders, mid/upper back, butt, belly, upper and lower legs, top of feet… aaand I probably forgot some body parts too. While I don’t imagine being completely hairless it would be really nice to see the KP go. You just gave me another reason to get this started soon.

Client from Switzerland with “KP” on chest and shoulders. His Swiss insurance paid for the electrolysis and it literally cured the condition.

FWIW, people remove freckles with laser. So, depending on whether you like them or not laser might be a good option/side-effect of that. I have a friend that did this.

If you have a scar, and it is darker than the surrounding skin, a laser would target it which may result in burns.