Electrolysis and new onset seborrheic dermatitis...

Hi all.

I’ve been battling a weird skin condition for the last couple months of now. There’s been several dermatologists trying to figure out what’s going on. The only thing that’s been constant on my skin since June have been electrolysis appointments. I’ve ben using appropriate gentle products in my face the entire time. The areas being treated are my cheeks, upper lip, jawline, and neck - these areas itch like crazy when I’m stressed or later in the day the skin gets excessively oilly (and the skin yeast love oil so it irritates my skin more). The edges of my lips (where it gets treated) end up getting red flaking and irritated as of lately too. And that redness is staying even if I can manage to get the flaking down.

What’s interesting is. When I get electrolysis treatments the first couple of days the skin is back to normal and no itching no flaking omg it’s like my only reprieve here. The side effects I get from electrolysis ara redness raised welts sometimes and pustules occasionally. . But as soon as the side effects of treatment go then I end up getting the dry flaking itchy skin again. :(. I get electrolysis once every 2 weeks.

I was hoping someone with seb derm and gets electrolysis could help me answer a couple of questions here. This is driving me nuts and I don’t know what I should be doing with my skin. I always wash my face and make sure to take care of it gently so this new skin problem is really doing a number on me. It’s so frustrating and I feel like there’s no end to it. :frowning: if someone could please answer some of my questions and give me advice this would be appreciated.

Is it possible to have seb derm itching like crazy but no real rash? The most I get is flaking but this flaking doesn’t show up until way later. If im harsher with my skin (not that I like to do this) or rub it then it gets red and flaking. I also noticed that I got redness near my nose and upper lip area but I kept thinking this was just allergies or something. I also had a weird accident to my eye (not even sure what happened) but a couple weeks later I ended up getting blepharitis and had it ever since… Then the seb derm showed up after this. I have so many issues going on That some days I am so overwhelmed sometimes. :confused: and believe me I’ve taken measures to help decrease stress but the problems still persist. I just want an end in sight with these…

Could the alcohol my Electrologist used to clean the areas of my skin be creating more seb derm? She also used to use neosporin on my face but I got her to stop this (although it was months of her using it on my face). I originally assumed the neosporin was killing the bacteria and let the yeast take over my skin. Noooo. How do I get the normal bacteria back on my skin?

The first couple of months I started electrolysis the symptoms of treatment I had were tightness of skin. As the months went on this eventually lead to weird sensations on my skin (like something wet falling on it, like rain drop, don’t know how to describe it otherwise). I just chalked it up to dry skin and kept using moisturizer but once winter hit my face was itching like mad. The itching didn’t start until winter. I’ve tried multiple products light and heavy and combination skin moisturizers to no avail. The skin keeps itching.

Can I still get my electrolysis treatments continued? My dermatologist said I can use this Ketoconazol cream in between treatments. Like use it 4-5 days after the side effects of electrolysis calm and and use it up to 2 days before the next treatment. Anyone have insight on how to use this medicine on my face?

There was a period of time for almost a month that I stopped electrolysis because I had surgery and couldnt drive or walk. But the symptoms still persisted… Actually after the surgery the symptoms got more prevalent. I guess stress made that worse. Im wondering once my electrolysis is over would my skin ever go back to normal and stop itching? Im at my wits end here. I just want it to stop.

I just feel super alone and sad and upset…I hope this isn’t permanent change to my skin. The itching is driving me completely mad. Please if anyone could respond with insight about seb derm and electrolysis that would help me so much. :frowning: honestly it’s depressing me so bad that some days I wish I never started electrolysis and never got myself into this situstion with my skin. It hurts so bad some days. :frowning:

I had electrolysis done to most of my face, neck and underarms.

Sadly, I am now experiencing redness and some tightness on my face when I smile.

I do NOT look ugly, but I need to find a way to get Rid Of The Redness and go back to my Original White Skin Color.

I am willing to do just about anything to fix this problem.

Does anybody know if any kind of Laser Machines can Help Correct this problem?

Currently, I am seeing a Dermatologist and they gave me some kind of pill to take for five days and some special liquid to put on my face for 10 minutes at a time to let the liquid sit there and doing this three times per day which is a hell of a job.

In any case, I am willing to seek out any good advice and tips from anybody who knows about what I am going through and Yes, I can send you pictures if you want to see what my face looks like.

My email address is: private_executive@yahoo.com.

My facebook is under: HOWARD PAUL SHORE

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

Howard Paul Shore
Angry and Upset Electrolysis Customer