As you may know I’ve only had a consultation so far whilst I gather some money for the treatments. I got the part on top of the eyebrow, towards the side of the face, treated there once and she used diathermy on one side, blend on the other and noted that down for the future. That was last year some time. Now the other day I looked in the mirror and saw that one side had less hair than the other (I used to have long black hairs there), so does that mean one of the methods worked better than the other? Should I ask her to treat all of my face with the method she used to treat with the side of my face which now has less hairs? I’m not sure if it makes a difference so thought I would ask here.
In most cases, the diathermy/thermolysis side would have removed more hair, just because one would have done more hairs per minute with that, than one could remove with blended treatments. The blend takes longer. All you will prove is that both work, but that Thermolysis/Diathermy is faster.