Electrolysis and Hydroquinone


How soon before treatment should I discontinue use of hydroqquinine? And how soon after am I able to use again?

Why use it at all?

I’m using it to lighten pigmentation and marks from elecrolysis.

They will resolve naturally with time.

It was recommended that this would help speed the process of the hyperpigmentation that I’m experiencing. Is it safe to use while receiving electrolysis?

Hydroquinone is banned in the European Union, Australia and Japan for reasons you can look up on your own.

It is probably safe to use, but you are not suppose to use long term, so why use it while having electrolysis, which can take 9-18 months when any hyperpig problems will naturally resolve on it’s own?

Prescription strength hydroquinone (4%) works better than the over the counter stuff (2%). Sun exposure is bad when using hydroquinone.

Continuous use is not good. Cycling on and off is recommended, like 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off? or 8 weeks on and 8 weeks off? Do whatever is recommended by your doctor.

Watch where it is sourced. Some products have mercury in them.

There are more natural products you can choose to use that don’t come with so many warnings.

If you are self-conscious about the hyperpigmentation and decide not to use hydroquinone, look for a product that contains kojic acid. Also, I have found that the foundation, IT bye bye foundation, is pretty good at covering up and evening skin tone and contains sunscreen. Another suggestion is to find cleansers and exfoliants that contain Lactic Acid as a main ingredient.