Hi all,
this forum has been invaluable for support and advice since I started getting electrolysis a year ago.
I am happy with the progress made on my face but my body treatments are still very slow.
I have been getting my inner thigs done and an area around my bellybutton. I have been getting no fewer than monthly treatments on the bellybutton area for 10 months now and frequently get it treated every fortnight. I haven’t shaved or touched the area in well over a year. However, I literally need a couple of hairs removed from this area every week. I manage to get a complete clearance as the area isn’t huge every time, but within about 5 days I need a new treatment. Is it just that my hairgrowth problem isn’t responding to electrolysis? I would have thought the time between treatments would stretch out after this long.
My thighs are a mess - the area I believe is too big for my particular electrolysist to handle. It makes me really sad to read the success stories on here because where I live in Ireland, electrolysis is very very limited and I wish I could travel to get someone who could maybe work faster on this area. I don’t feel like we have ever achieved a full clearance and I have poured hundreds of pounds into treatments since September on this. My legs are very badly scarreed and haven’t lessened at all. The effect has been so little I feel like I might have to give up and go back to shaving thus throwing all my money and effort of the past few months down the drain.
Should I move on to IPL and then if it works, get the remainder touched up by electrolysis? I am travelling to London in a few months and considered seeing if I could get a recommendation for a practioner there who might give me a dedicated session to clearing my thighs so if anyone knows of anyone in London?
I am sorry, I am just feeling really low about this. I want to make sure I am doing the right thing but aside from my face, I am still really struggling and now finances and time committments are being stretched thin as the months roll by…I would hate to think it’s been a waste and I give in and start shaving again.
Has anyone had positive experiences with treatment on thighs?
Any enocuragement and advice would be really greatly appreciated
Many thanks everyone xox