About books …
About a year ago, my friend Patsy Kirby and I were thinking about putting together a curriculum for electrology. But then I thought we should put together an entire course on electrology. I mean all of it: all the A to Z’s, lesson plans, daily lectures, tests, readings; the whole works.
I was a history teacher for 3 years and 6 years in Special Ed. (CA teaching Credential), and Patsy has a Masters in Education. We know how to organize material. We would welcome other specialists in all modalities, of course. Such a course would be neutral.
All of us want MORE electrologists and would like to see more schools. Well, you cannot “mandate” schools without giving them the tools to do the job. Indeed, this was what AEA was telling both of us: they want to “create” more schools!
Furthermore, my idea was to then put the entire course on-line for FREE! Indeed, we offered this project to the AEA but were met with total silence. I mean, not even an answer to the question “would AEA be interested?” Just nothing.
This does not have to be profitable to anyone and, being completely free, would stimulate people to consider doing more in the field. M.I.T. put their courses on-line and in one year their website had over a million “hits” … and their enrollment skyrocketed!
If you want something done, you must give people the tools. These tools must be free for the taking. Neither Patsy nor I are looking to be paid. I think a lot of us would cooperate to put this together: THE electrology course! If this were AEA endorsed, it would be great for both the profession AND for AEA.
Think about that for a moment: a universal course in electrology.
Maybe AEA can think about this after the political battles are over. I wonder, are they over or just going into another phase?