I have had 7 one hour sessions with my electrologist. The treatment area is my face. I have been very regular about my appointments and wouldn’t think of skipping one.
I have also been very religious about my aftercare. Most of what I do is thanks to the others on this forum and it has greatly helped.
We started clearing from the center of my chin and have completed the first clearing of a major part of the mask area.
The pain is tolerable most of the time. I have used a numbing cream (my electrologist gave me) and that has helped in some of the sensitive areas. The upper lip was a different case. That area brought tears to my eyes.
I was unsure if this was the best way to start. I had considered laser, but had some problems with the practitioner. They rescheduled my appoint twice and moved it to another location that I found out after going there didn’t have a Doctor in residence. Something that I required before I let anyone put a laser on my face. I walked out and never went back.
I had some second thoughts after my first couple of appointments. The swelling and reactions scared me. But things have now settled in and my skin is clear and healed two days after treatment.
While it is still early in the process. I am impressed with how much progress we have made in the time we’ve had.
My greatest fear was that my skin would never be soft and smooth again. The areas that I have cleared are softer, the pores are smaller, and the texture of the skin is better than it ever was with hair.
I would recommend electrolysis to anyone. It is painful and it requires work and commitment but it works. I was lucky enough to find a good practitioner my first time out. I don’t know if it’s appropriate to give names/recommendations on this forum, but if your in the LA area, email me I will pass along her contact info.