Electrologists in Montreal

Please, does anyone know of any reputable electrologists in Montreal, Canada? Thanks in advance.

You might want to check out this website http://www.electrolyse.qc.ca/regions/index.htm#anchor10536 . It’s a french website though.

Good Luck :smile:

Hello there,

I’m interested to know if you’ve tried any of the electrologists in Montreal. If you have, can u recommend who and where?


I would start all my electrologist searches in this area with:

Institut Dectro (Montréal) · Louise Lévesque, Director
3400, boulevard Poirier, Saint-Laurent (Québec) Canada H4R 2J5 · 514.856.0881
E-mail: institut-mtl@dectro.com

If classes are in session, you may even be able to get treatment at the school.