Electrologists , How do you see

Hi all,
Accredited in Australia using a Fischer machine , I have been treating v coarse facial hair with a blend method and great success .
Now a few of my clients are on their 2nd pass and the hair is getting fine and harder to see.

Seeking advice please from the guru’s here to assist me in doing a good job.
I put my heart into my work and wish to give my best.

I have a 8X magnification LED rolling lamp to see , tried dental loupes but I havent found that perfect vision yet.
Im worried that when i get down to vellus I wont be able to see.
Thoughts or advice appreciated :slight_smile:

Most pros rely on professional dental loupes that are custom fitted for your eyes. The next upgrade would be a stereo microscope used by dental surgeons and OBGYNs. Zeiss Opmi 99 or something similar since it’s on lower end of costs. Cheaper Chinese or Indian brands should work fine too.

Thanks Fenix
I have tried some cheapo white loupes that magnify 8 x but my magnifying light does 8 too. I bought this black metal set for about $450 that are close but soooo heavy to be wearing for an hour or two.

I appreciate your input and will google the things that you said. Im finding that when clients arrive with 6 - 10mm of growth rather than 2-3mm its a bit overwhelming and I cant see the entry points too good, I guess it will all come with time and experience.

Can you clarify what’s your issue exactly? Are you not seeing the follicle openings or your current setup provides too much magnification? If you’re having loupe fatigue due to weight then there are options where loupes are supported by a headband.

I agree. A Zeiss or similar microscope will allow you to see any hair sizes. If hair length is causing confusion then ask your clients to shave 3-7 days prior to their appointment.

Hi Fenix, its not seeing the follicle entry precisely with smaller hairs, especially blondes. occasionally i prick the client .
I bought some cheap $80 loupes (white ones) but they only magnify as much as the magnifying light do so i may as well use the light . The metal loupes seem to magnify better , i haven’t tried them yet but they are soooo heavy, unsure if i could wear them for the 1-2 hours required.
What do you recommend? Thanks , im rather new compared to some :slight_smile:

Hi Jdesloges , I found a distributor for Zeiss in Sydney , cool thanks, just getting in touch now :slight_smile: What magnification do you recommend ?

Hi again, may i ask what magnification you use on clients with blonde hairs please? I have trouble seeing where the hair comes out / where the probe goes in. Im using 8 x magnification at the moment but dont think its enough. Maybe im due for a eye check up, maybe im not using enough magnification, could be a few things :slight_smile: Thanks Maddy

Hi Maddy, thought I’d contribute to this topic… I have no experience with loupes but when I first started out as an electrologist, I too struggled to see hairs/pores as well as I’d have liked. Here’s what worked for me. I changed my standard salon magnifying lamp for a Luxo lamp (5x magnification but they do higher versions) and I now also use +2 strength reading glasses. The Luxo provides a shadow option so the blonde hairs become highly visible against the skin. The reading glasses help with seeing the insertion point clearly. If you’re in your mid-30s or above, then reading glasses help enormously!

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Hi Kameo, thank you for your advice .
Im early 50’s and wear +2 glasses to read also. I had a florescent x5 magnifying lamp and then bought a 8 x mag LED type . I like what you say about the shadow option and I will check them out.
Thanks lots for your input, I appreciate you.

I own a Zeiss Opmi 99. This model is no longer produced but occasionally is still resold. I found my on eBay. The subject of stereo-surgical microscopes has been discussed in detail on there, search on the forums for more tips. Before you commit to a microscope, ideally you should try it in person to see if the working distance of the microscope works out for you. Dental stereomicroscopes are also close to what is ideal to electrology work.

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If you are using a Zeiss Pico then I used 1.0 or 1.6 on blonde hair.

Hi Felix,
By chance for the model that you have would it be possible to get pictures of cells blond,gray, or red hair at at different magnifications? I had my septum’s fixed, and now the weight of my loupes is too much to handle. That and the fact that my vision has changed. For the price of getting the lenses changed with orascoptic every year a microscope makes sense. But, unfortunately there aren’t any distributors where I live to test some out. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

Sorry darn autocorrect pictures of vellus hairs preferably light colored at different magnifications? Also, what is the field of vision for the different magnifications? I’ve gone through zeiss’ site and the web overall and am having a hard time getting that info. Thanks again !