Electrologist in Sydney, AU?

Hi, am a male and am looking for a recommendation of a good electrologist in Sydney, Australia - preferably in the city or eastern suburbs.

Hair removal is for around the neck area, preferably personal recommendations/experience would be good.

thanks very much for any advice…

Have you run a search on the forums? There are a couple people from Australia here. Unfortunately, not enough come here regularly for you to get responses to this anytime soon. Searching is your best bet, and looking on your own and using this site to figure out which is good.

I think we need to ask the people in Syney to step up to the plate here!
We have word about electrolysis practitioners in Melbourne and smaller places in Australia, but for Sydney all we have on this site are people asking me to fly over and lose my passport when I get there. (don’t they know that a blackhawk extraction team would be dispatched to go in and bring me back in the middle of the night? :smiley: )

Yes, thanks for the suggestions. I have tried the search but didn’t come up with anything substantial on Sydney practitioners!

Hi I was wondering if you ended up finding a good electroligist in sydney?