Hi guys,
I’m so glad to have found this forum. This is my story and I really hope to get some advice.
I’m a 24 year old female of East Asian descent. I have coarse hairs on my legs that I wax or shave. I have some arm hairs that are fine but they are super long (more than 2 cm). My skin is pretty fair (compared to Asian standard) so they are quite visible. However, they don’t bother me so much so I just ignore them. What bothers me the most is my chin hairs tho. I have never had chin hairs until my 24th birthday this year (3-4 months ago). I got through an extremely stressful period and I found two coarse hairs appearing on my chin. My General Practitioner told me that it wasn’t a big deal and I should just pluck them out and they will disappear for good!!! I did that once just to find that they came back two weeks later and plucking actually stimulate a few hairs in the areas. So now I have like 3-4 thick black hairs that I trim with nail scissors and a few other fine hairs which are similar to the hair patterns on my arms (super long). I dont do anything to them tho because they are not too visible without certain light condition…and since its winter anyway, I always wear a big scarf.
In order to rule out medical problems, I have been seeing my GP, dermatologist. I did an ultrasound scan and there was no sign of PCO. I’m seeing my gynecologist next week for a further checkup and to get a blood test as per suggestion from my GP. If there is nothing wrong with my body, I plan to proceed to electrolysis to remove the few chin hairs before I go insane and start tweezing them.
I’m looking for electrologist in my area and have managed to find one in Geneva and one in Zurich. One uses Evolution 5 Silhouet-tone and another uses Apilus Senior 2. Since I live in Geneva, traveling to Zurich can easily cost more than 100 euros round trip…Honestly I can’t believe how difficult it is to find an electrologist in Switzerland…Do you guys have any suggestions?
The thing with me is I move around a lot…And I never know where I’m gonna be (in terms of continent) in the next three months. From what I have learned, in order for electrolysis to be effective, I should follow a regular schedule for 18 months…That sounds impossible enough for me. Very likely my next destinations would be Asia or Africa…I don’t think I can find anyone performing electrolysis there…
I know a few chin hairs is not such a big deal but I want to learn about my options. Should I start electrolysis as soon as possible or keep waiting till I settle down (I don’t even know when)? Which electrologist I should choose? Or maybe I should just bear with those freaking chin hairs?
Thank you in advance for your advice