When the electrolysis probe is inserted into the hair follicle, the electologist must decide how much energy and time will be needed for a proper smooth release of the hair. When the hair releases smoothly, which should be most of the time, and is all in one piece,bulb to tip,then the hair was properly treated. If the hair was partially treated because it lacked too little energy and too little time, it may break off under the skin and continue to grow while the top part of the skin is healing over and whallah! you have an ingrown. So you as a consumer should not feel like you are being plucked. Using the correct size of probe, gradually adjusting the timing and intensity,and other variables can get that thick hair properly treated without the worry of ingrowns.
If the ingrowns are close to the surface, your electrologist can ease the hair up gently and treat it. I sometimes say “dig” for the ingrowns, but in actuality, if they are too deep then it is best to just mechanically exfoliate and/or chemically exfoliate and use TendSkin to gradually bring the trapped hair closer to the skin’s surface in order to treat the hair sooner.
Of course it is unacceptable to live with these dark spots under your skin, especially on your face. Thoroughly treating the thick hair in the first place should prevent this from happening, but since you have the problem now, all you can do is gently exfoliate so they can work their way out or come closer to the top of the skin to be gently lifted out.