electrolis time frame

Hello everyone, first post here…I have been going to an electrologist for 18 months and im still not done…getting it removed from my face and neck…anyway, how do you know if it is the electrologist that is not doing it, or if it is just your genetic makeup that makes one resistant and thus the long time frame…

I remember last yr at this time I asked her if I was almost done, she said yes…she always says almost done…but she said by summer…that was last summer…and I am still there for an hour a week…and this summer is now fast approaching…

So, how do I really know…I knowe I have less than before, but I wanna be done…as Im sure youy all do too, but Im starting to wonder…

Any advice appreciated…

Are you male or female?

How often do you visit your electrolysis? Every week? Every two weeks? Every month?

male…weekly for at least an hour…heavy course hair

A lot of time, be patient
–>Hair removal Info<–

be patient?

You’re going to have to excuse jenrix. Whatever “advice” jenrix posts is not the jenrix’s main point. Jenrix likes to spam this forum by posting it’s hair removal website.

Anyway, the face and neck may seem like a small area to get electrolysis, but hair on those places can be so dense. Have you at least noticed a reduction of hair on your face and neck?

yeah, i figured that…

I have had reduction, but after 18 mos…let me do the math here…close to 100 hrs…it keeps coming back…thinkin its never gonna end…im sick of gettin it done…it hurts, it costs a fortune and im tired of the hair and the redness post treatment…and then the ingrown hairs…

Are you getting completely cleared at each treatment? If so, how many weeks has this occurred?


Okay, I am going to address the ingrown hairs. And I have another question.

Ingrown hairs should not be happening. Tweezing, resulting from poorly done treatments MAY be the cause of ingrown hairs. What do you feel when the hair is actually being removed from the skin? Do you feel the sensation that the hair is being yanked from the skin? …or does the hair slide out without a lot of traction?

Other question: Are you taking any anti-androgen drugs? If you are a man who wants the beard gone to have it gone, and you are not taking anti-androgen medications, it can take longer than compared to a male-to-female individual who does take anti-androgens.

Do you have a record of the dates and hours of your treatments? As a rule, consistent treatments result in needing less and less time as treatments progress. Even then a heavy growth can take several years to complete.

i get ingrown hairs alot that she has to dig out of my face…she says that the hairs are dying and that they arent strong enough to break through the skin…as for the sensation, sometimes it hurts, other times it doesnt…she use a “diamond needle”??? I think thats it, and says I have sensitive kin and thats the reason that she cant turn up the juice too far…heavy course hairs, sensitive skin…

What exactly do you mean by anti-androgen drugs? No I m not taking any…and I dont keep records, but Ive been going once a week for at least 6 mos strait, and b4 that, at least every other week…

I go tomorrow, any questions i should be asking?

Hi Rememberme:

Anti-androgens are drugs which counteract the testosterone in your system. Testosterone is converted to DHT which causes hair to grow thicker on your face. Generally the only people who would take anti androgens are male to female transsexuals. Some examples of anti androgens are spironolactone,androcur and finasteride.

The trouble with counteracting your testosterone level in the average male is the loss of potency and a feminizing effect. The average male would not want that.

Taking antiandrogens does not usually have a lot of effect on existing facial hair. If you took them before adulthood they would probably have a profound effect. Once the facial hair is firmly established in adulthood it won’t just go away from taking anti androgens.


thanks for the replies…thats what i thought anti-androgens were…are you crazy recommending them? hope you dont do that to your clients,and if you do, i hope you dont have any clients…

Hi Rememberme:

I don’t think that she was recommending that all men getting electrolysis take antiandrogens. She was only stating that if you were a male to female transssexual, then the anti androgens would make a difference in the amount of regrowth.

You can only get them with a doctors approval anyways.


really? I must have missed that part in

"Other question: Are you taking any anti-androgen drugs? If you are a man who wants the beard gone to have it gone, and you are not taking anti-androgen medications, it can take longer than compared to a male-to-female individual who does take anti-androgens. "

and where did you get the idea that I was a transsexual? Because I am gettin electrolosis…? you must be kiddin me…glad to know what kinda people come to this forum, cause it definatly aint me…

And ingrown hairs DO happen…especially if the hair is dead or dies under the skin and doesnt have the strenght to push through…


I meant no offense to you in asking about anti-androgens. Please accept my apology if you were offended. I believe that most of us do NOT assume that male clients are transgendered. I was asking so that I could evaluate your situation with more information, and to let you know that a male desiring permanent hair removal might require more time than a m-t-f transgendered person.

Regarding ingrown hairs. While they DO happen, they SHOULD NOT happen. If a hair is dead under the skin, it does not need “the strength” to push through the skin. A “dead” hair under the skin will be reabsorbed or dissolved by the body. Ingrown hair is often caused by the electrologist tweezing the hair, which is from poor technique AKA improper treatment. Repeated picking and digging to remove ingrown hair can result in damaged skin.

Even with sensitive skin, enough current can be applied to effectively destroy the follicles hair growing ability.

ok…so how to identify improper tweezing?

and my electrol said that she has never seen hair, as in individual hairs, as thick and course as mine…and I dont wanna wait for them to dissolve, they are black under the skin…

and dont woory bout the apology, Im havin a shitty day…

When the electrolysis probe is inserted into the hair follicle, the electologist must decide how much energy and time will be needed for a proper smooth release of the hair. When the hair releases smoothly, which should be most of the time, and is all in one piece,bulb to tip,then the hair was properly treated. If the hair was partially treated because it lacked too little energy and too little time, it may break off under the skin and continue to grow while the top part of the skin is healing over and whallah! you have an ingrown. So you as a consumer should not feel like you are being plucked. Using the correct size of probe, gradually adjusting the timing and intensity,and other variables can get that thick hair properly treated without the worry of ingrowns.

If the ingrowns are close to the surface, your electrologist can ease the hair up gently and treat it. I sometimes say “dig” for the ingrowns, but in actuality, if they are too deep then it is best to just mechanically exfoliate and/or chemically exfoliate and use TendSkin to gradually bring the trapped hair closer to the skin’s surface in order to treat the hair sooner.

Of course it is unacceptable to live with these dark spots under your skin, especially on your face. Thoroughly treating the thick hair in the first place should prevent this from happening, but since you have the problem now, all you can do is gently exfoliate so they can work their way out or come closer to the top of the skin to be gently lifted out.
