This may not necessarily be the case at all,the fact that hair is appearing in areas that were not treated, suggests that there may be a hormonal cause. How many treatments did you have and how were they scheduled (weekly/monthly).
I had all the tests done for my hormones completed already. I thought it was a hormonal imbalance as well, but it turned out to be not true. I guess that my hair follicles are senesitive to androgens.
Yes,one can be androgen sensitive,without having a hormonal imbalance at all. Do other members of your family have superfluous hair, and if so at what ages did they occur, or worsen?
No one in my family has any abnormal hair growth. My mom & sister don’t have any issues at all. That is why it’s even harder cuz you feel that you are going through this alone & no one seems to understand.
one e i saw here told me that that can happen , but jossie assured me not
Well, technically electrolysis itself didn’t cause this. At best, hormones caused it. At worst, plucking INSTEAD of proper electrolysis did.