Just wondering if someone has done combination laser and electro on a male face…
I’ve been having laser (yag-nd) on my face once every 2 weeks for 2 years. They used a Lyra laser on a fairly high setting … however never once hitting 100% of the area … instead doing what I’d call an “error diffusion” method where some areas are hit multiple times and others are rarely hit (I only used them because it was a package deal an I had already paid in full…).
I have had 8 electrolosis hour long electolosys sessions with a local provider and am getting fairly close to having full clearance.
My question is, should I actually expect to stay clear for any length of time, or given the haphazard laser treatments should I expect to be going in every week or two weeks for a long time.
I’m a white male with medium skin and not currently taking hormones or anything else that would affect hair cycles.