Hi max,
That’s such a shame, especially since it all sounded so positive in the beginning.
I know it’s difficult to speak up but I would urge you to write them a letter, both to Sharon and Elaine and explain your feelings. The only way they can improve is if they know clients are dissatisfied with what they are offering. I know upgrading equipment is an expensive outlay but I don’t see why it should be out of the question to just one or two of them to upgrade to begin with and send all the clients who want that kind of work done to that electrologist. Since the reasoning I was given before is that Elaine thinks they should all have the same setup and for them all to upgrade would be too expensive.
It turns out that you’re not the only one with this complaint. There are others have been satisfied with the treatment up to the point of treating the finer blonde hairs.
As for me, as you know, I have plenty of prominent hairs to get through (face and body), so those smaller ones aren’t a concern for me yet. Thus I have no experience of this yet.