Effective Laser for removal of blonde/white hair?

My sister was turned away a few years ago since her body hair was considered too light for effective laser treatment.

Recently, she read that there are new laser treatments that are effective for very light hair.

Any personal successes or witnesses to this?

Thanks BFG

No such thing.

They won’t be effective for permanent hair removal.

I assume your sister read something somewhere about Synernon’s Aurora with ELOS? One of my clients from a couple years ago was treated with that device and ended up not continuing even though she had more treatments left in her package. Can you ask your sister for more information?

I know of no laser that can permanently reduce light hair.

Here is the info. I think they used Meladine?

Is there anyone here on the forum who uses this and can verify?


So Meladine is ineffective?

Does anyone on this forum treat with laser or had laser treatments done with light hair?


Would your sister be interested in electrolysis instead? The treatment takes longer, but it works on any hair type regardless of color.